For the first profile spotlight since 10/10/10, we're happy to present filmmaker Seb Farges, who made this moving piece with his daughter Nina. Seb was kind enough to share with us some back story on the film... (see below)
Who are you and what is your profession? My name is Piotr and I'm an English teacher. I find it quite rewardingsince the vast majority of students… Continue
Check out Carter and Oliva Ries, the 8 and 9-year-old founders of One More Generation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of endangered species. Find out more at:
Who are you and what is your profession? We are Carter (age 9.5) and Olivia (age 8) from Fayetteville… Continue
One Day on Earth is proud to present inventor, musician, and motion desinger Sebastian Stuertz-Wolff. See more of Sebastian, Matze and STUBENHACKER's work at:
Presenting Jonathan Sterkenburg, a psychology student and filmmaker who will be chronicling the 10th birthday of a young man living with a rare syndrome on 10.10.10. You can see more of Jonathan's work at:MUZIEKTELEVISIE.NL
iEarn classrooms in Azerbaijan, Uganda, and Taiwan.
Who are you and what is your profession? My name is Chris Baer and I am a public high school teacher. I've been teaching photography, design, and technology at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School in Oak Bluffs, MA, USA since 1995.