When Lyra was first admitted into the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Oakland Children's Hospital two and a half years ago, we were clueless as to what was happening. She had been airlifted from Memorial Hospital in Santa Rosa, California, where a team of twelve emergency room staff members spent two and a half hours stabilizing her condition. She had slipped into a coma immediately after admission into Memorial.
Lyra, Ron and I had spent the day before this in a different hospital… Continue
Added by Allison Porter on July 16, 2010 at 12:30am —
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Listening to Ron play guitar as I write. An aching in my shoulders and my right wrist.... bad ergonomics at my computer. Starting to type with my left hand only. Much slower. Oh well.
Lyra had her appointment with her endocrinologist today. Her doctor is a beautiful, smart young woman with a twinkle in her eye, and clearly a soft spot for children with special needs.
The appointment went well. Lyra's A1c is coming… Continue
Added by Allison Porter on July 14, 2010 at 11:01pm —
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This afternoon, as my three year old Lyra was getting her shoes on to go for a ride on her bicycle, she sweetly looked up at me and asked, "Mommy, does God wear shoes?" I thought about it and realized that it was a really good question. I have no idea, I thought to myself. After considering all the options, I let her know it was a great question, and that I did not know. As soon as she got her shoes on, she excitedly proceeded to get her helmet on, jump on her bike and pedal.
Já tive algumas ideias para o dia 10.10, mas ainda não tenho certeza. Vou ser papai e vejo esse projeto também como um tipo de herança pro filhote..rs..isso é muito sério...mas não pode ser preocupante. Tem que ser divertido também.
Added by Richard Zuppa on July 6, 2010 at 3:33pm —
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This week we are pleased to present One Day on Earth participant Martin Linss. Martin is a world class photographer, and cinematographer of feature films, commercials, and music videos. Martin was the 2nd unit dp for the recent film Notorious, about the life and death…
We should not forget that many people are excluded from global communication because they didn't have the time and money to become fluent in English. There is a language much easier to learn than English it is called Esperanto and furthermore it doesn't belong to any country, so it would provide a fair solution. How many people are now embarrassed to try to speak English in front of a native English speaker, because they know they can't compete with a native speaker. For more information about… Continue