can give my blood to you. Some of you might already have my blood. My
name is Jeffrey Hickey and my blood type is O negative. I am a
universal donor.
There is a worldwide shortage of blood. This is
an ongoing issue of critical concern. If you don’t believe me, Google it
and see what… Continue
Added by Jeffrey Hickey on October 8, 2010 at 4:01pm —
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Good news - we have just checked in with the project team and reviewed the predictions for the flight path and we have decided to go for a 2nd launch on Sunday morning!
This is my Mom, Sidney Steck Choate. She is 82 years old. I am her primary caregiver. Her tether. Her ballast. She is a mental health survivor. She receives curious messages. She speaks in metaphor.
We are pleased that Rancho de Caldera has achieved its Green Globe Certification.
To certify our sustainability and green management, we must adhere to a majority of the many criteria included in the Green Globe Standard – which is based on internationally accepted and recognized documentation.
On its website, Green Globe states:
“Green Globe is the leading green certification for the travel and tourism industry and its supply chain worldwide. Only businesses… Continue
Added by Rancho de Caldera on October 8, 2010 at 11:17am —
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Owing to clean power and “green” policies, Gina Cronin’s recently opened Rancho de Caldera eco-resort project in Boquete, Panama, received the coveted Green Globe Hospitality certification.
Thanks to hydro- solar- and wind power Cronin uses, the mostly self-sustaining resort operates off the grid year round.
On my very first visit to the property that is now Rancho de Caldera (www.ranchodecaldera.com) I knew instantly that I was home; the fact that I was in another country, didn't speak the language, or know anyone didn't seem to matter. It felt right to be here then, as it does now.
The word "nursery" I think, can't be fully appreciated unless one has spent time either in a maternity ward or in a greenhouse raising food from seed. It is not just about planting a seed in the soil and waiting for the food to come to fruition. It involves…
Helium Balloon Camera Flight for 10.10.10 - In Doubt due to the Weather
Well, the weather is not working in our favour very well for the 10.10.10 proposed launch, with the stable high presure system moving east and shifting the flight path still close to water for a landing. Unlike two days ago however we have become a little more optimistic.
As the Project Horus group wish to definitely fly this weekend, we will be… Continue
Added by Grant Willis on October 8, 2010 at 7:30am —
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