The World's Story is Yours to Tell
Recently, many have started to treat me a little different in a good way, it's different. The line was drawn one second into December 1, 2012, I even gave an open invitation to all in the world and not one person took my offer, it was about FAITH!
Today, I feel more confident than ever, more because of the things I have revealed years ago on the Internet and to see it happen is a confirmation of what is coming because The Creator spoke of it happening in the future.
I just returned…
Added by Eddie Scott Yazzie on July 25, 2013 at 6:08am — No Comments
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 22, 2013 at 2:47pm — No Comments
Anniversary for the U.S. Department of Labor: 1913-2013, A Centennial Crisis
By Gardenia C. Hung
Since Hilda L. Solis resigned as Secretary of Labor on January 22, 2013, Deputy Secretary Seth D. Harris is the Acting Secretary of Labor. Now employees and employers can about labor issues, abuse of employees at work, and Violence Against Women during the course of employment.
My name is Gardenia C. Hung, Illinois Victim of Crimes for the last twenty-two (22)…
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 19, 2013 at 5:58am — No Comments
Bastille Day Chicago 2013 Filmed by Gardenia C. Hung from G. Hung Fong on Vimeo.
The second annual Bastille Day Chicago 2013 Celebration was held on Saturday, July 13th as a Block Party, hosted by David…
ContinueAdded by Gardenia C. Hung on July 17, 2013 at 10:08am — No Comments
“Is Harvard on Halsted?”
The last semester at NEIU during the Fall of 1982 concluded in graduation after I completed Student Teaching at Lincoln Park Magnet School which included Middle School for grades 6th, 7th, and 8th, for Spanish with the teacher Manuel Verdugo, and French with Maureen Dolan and Maureen Breen. I was working with the NEIU Education Department and Foreign Languages Division under assignment by Dr. Bonnie Busse and Dr. Rosalyn O’Cherony who worked with Dr.…
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 16, 2013 at 6:48am — 1 Comment
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 16, 2013 at 6:08am — No Comments
CNN Personal Essay: Village of Lombard Suburban Homeowners Lose U.S. Mail, Civil Liberties, Personal Documents, and Freedom in DuPage County, Illinois 60148 USA
While living in the Village of Lombard for the last twenty (20) years as an Illinois resident homeowner and taxpayer, Lombard has been denying me essential human rights for contact by telephone, in person, the rights of receiving U.S. mail, including Civil Liberties for Civil Procedure and Due Process of Law. The Lombard…
ContinueAdded by Gardenia C. Hung on July 16, 2013 at 5:57am — No Comments
Santiago de Cuba was the first capital of Cuba in 1514
“Celebrating 500 Years of History in the Americas”
During the tropical hurricane season in July, the historic city of Santiago de Cuba begins a month-long celebration in the Caribbean for the Americas and the entire world.
“Santiago de Cuba hosts this week-long festival that celebrates music and dance from all over the Caribbean area. Called by some the Festival del Caribe and by others the Festival del Fuego it aims at…
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 13, 2013 at 5:01am — No Comments
The month of July starts with the taste of food festivals for the summer solstice. Food Fests remind everyone to eat a lot and with gusto during the summer and store energy for the long, cold winter months. In July, anyone can have a Taste of Anything, Anywhere one goes...including a Taste of Cuban cuisine; not only in Cuba, of course...
Ethnic cooking is everywhere in the USA, but authentic Cuban cuisine lives at the Centro Cultural Cubano de Nueva York. The 12th Annual Congress of…
ContinueAdded by Gardenia C. Hung on July 13, 2013 at 4:59am — No Comments
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on July 13, 2013 at 4:38am — No Comments
All My Relations,
I fear GOD!
Even the children are dreaming of the EARTHQUAKES, it is going to happen, because God spoke of it. There are many things which have happened in which God described to me, but there is one more than anything which is in my heart, the pain is real, but also know that my love is real, no matter what happens, I love people.
If only there was…
ContinueAdded by Eddie Scott Yazzie on July 3, 2013 at 5:32am — No Comments
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