The World's Story is Yours to Tell
will I just went in to look at the production of the 36,000 of us out there... maKING FILMS
Added by robin metze on August 30, 2013 at 1:38pm — 1 Comment
And God said "These people who tell you the Russians and the Chinese are bad people, they killed your ancestors, they took control of your land, the water, the food, the money, and even the sky, they control you like slaves. This is modern day slavery and these people tell you the world is bad. How do you not know the world will treat you better than these people have treated you? I will set you free from these modern day Romans and will destroy them, tell them what I am going to do, they…
ContinueAdded by Eddie Scott Yazzie on August 28, 2013 at 6:00am — No Comments
To the People of the World,
And God said " The acknowledgement of being from another human being is the greatest gift of all, all the other things come and go, but the gift of acknowledgement last even into the Spirit World and Heaven, it last forever ".
There are children in the world right now looking for food, a place to sleep, just to be acknowledged and loved.
I love all of you, because like my skin, it is different, I am blessed and special, just like…
ContinueAdded by Eddie Scott Yazzie on August 14, 2013 at 4:32am — No Comments
A Murder-For-Hire Target in DuPage County, Illinois USA
Driving away from the Chicagoland area into the outlaying western suburbs of DuPage County, operatives, mercenaries, and hired unknown make the perfect setting to murder-for-hire Lombard residents and homeowners drawn into York Township real estate conspiracies, insidious plots, scenarios, arranged accidents in motor vehicles, tainted food, physical abuse after working a full day, home invasions, hypodermic injections to the throat…
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on August 8, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments
A Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly at the Lake View Nature Center on Wild Wednesday from G. Hung Fong on Vimeo.
The Lake View Nature Center showcased the Monarch Butterfly on Wild Wednesday, presented by Rebecca and Linda Zorn from the University of Illinois…
ContinueAdded by Gardenia C. Hung on August 8, 2013 at 9:29am — No Comments
Ever been hurt so bad, you don't care about what people think, especially when they seem to appear out of nowhere?
I guess that's the reason many people commit to a slow death, even if they know people around will get hurt, people die everyday. There are days were I feel like an animal, mainly because we as human beings go along with the sun and the moon, it gives the notice of how short life really is.
I am finally going to write the truth about what I think.
ContinueAdded by Eddie Scott Yazzie on August 8, 2013 at 4:30am — No Comments
"How I Lost My Family?"
Relocating into a town of orphans, dysfunctional residents, and psychiatric rehabilitated people, I did not know that I would lose my family and personal freedom as a Lombard resident homeowner in District 5, York Township, DuPage County, Illinois USA. When my Father, Mr. Roberto Hung purchased the Lombard historic Brick Bungalow at the corner of Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, he did not know that this Lombard real estate property was surrounded by…
Added by Gardenia C. Hung on August 4, 2013 at 5:12am — No Comments
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