One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

October 2011 Blog Posts (32)

A Healthy Dose of Doubt

Circumcision is becoming a hot topic for today’s expecting parents. Word is out that not only has circumcision been considered medically unnecessary since the 70’s , (even though it hasn’t been common knowledge) but also that it’s damaging! Delving into this country’s circumcision past is a disturbing enough journey; but what’s most surprising is that the cruelty and racism that seem to surround the promotion of this controversial surgery aren’t only buried in the past, but are still alive… Continue

Added by whatUneverknew on October 31, 2011 at 4:44pm — No Comments

The Hope - Paradise Regained

Man, even with the weaknesses he possesses

now, can be great if he takes to task

the well being of his fellow man. If he can

hold high virtue as his goal and peace and

harmony among men as his prime directive

instead of self indulgence, personal gain, and

the exercise of his petty antipathies, he would

be happier than he has ever been...or ever

could be.

Added by Terrance Lindall on October 31, 2011 at 2:10pm — No Comments

Preparando una expedición fotográfica

El día de ayer tuvimos la que fué la última reunión para preparar un breve viaje fotográfico (del 9 al 15 de noviembre de 2011) a uno de los lugares más emblemáticos en la historia humana y natural del sureste mexicano: la Selva Lacandona.

En la preparación de un viaje fotográfico, por breve que éste sea y además de todo aquello que logísticamente es necesario para que el viaje llegue a buen término; desde acrodar el día y la hora de salida, el cálculo de la cantidad de víveres,…


Added by Luis Felipe Rivera Lezama on October 30, 2011 at 11:50am — No Comments

11.11.11: many meanings?

On this day full of symbolism, I will live two meaningful events: my father's 70s birthday, and a flight from Paris, France, to Lisbon, Portugal. Expecting to see how things run.... :-)

Added by Artur Silva on October 29, 2011 at 8:14am — No Comments

Anyone else apart of an online school or lives in Canada?

Anyone else apart of an online school or lives in Canada?

Added by CFL Adventures on October 28, 2011 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Winter - time to sleep

The darkness with short days and cold nights has settled in. The knights of night are now returning to their overwintering sites here in the northern Europe - we are talking about bats. Due to the cold winter with snow and temperatures plummeting far below zero degrees Celsius, the bats in Sweden are either forces to fly south like the migrating birds, or hibernate in caves, cellars or large trees. An unexpected collaboration started a few years ago between WWF Sweden and the swedish military… Continue

Added by Tom Arnbom on October 28, 2011 at 11:03am — No Comments

Dalit children education status

Please watch the video

Added by Karuppusamy on October 28, 2011 at 10:22am — No Comments

Saint Lucia National Trust "Tree Planting Initiative"

The Saint Lucia National Trust in collaboration with the Forestry Department and numerous other partners will plant over 100 trees on 11.11.11, especially in areas that were ravaged by Hurricane Tomas. In light of the UN's observance of International Year of Forests, we hope that this initiative will help people to develop a greater appreciation for our forests and their many benefits. We are excited about 11.11.11 and hope that everyone has a great day filming something that means alot to… Continue

Added by Karetta Charles on October 28, 2011 at 7:34am — 1 Comment

One Day. One Nation. One Planet. One Advocacy. One Dream.

On November 11, 2011 (11.11.11), join Philippines' Black Pencil Project and the rest of the world, in a historic global film making event.

Wherever you are in the planet, record a 5-seconder video using your PC or mobile devices. Tell us who you are, your profession or lifestyle and what you do to support Black Pencil Project.

Share your video on… Continue

Added by Black Pencil Project on October 28, 2011 at 4:04am — No Comments

Multicultural Collective Moon Festival

I do not yet know if I'll be able to attend this event, I have a previous engagement that night. However it seems like a great opportunity to capture extensive camaraderie on film. Unfortunately all I have is my flip cam. Next year I'll be more prepared and have my Pentax 35mm.

Added by Lauryn A Stallings on October 28, 2011 at 4:00am — No Comments

Mr. Roberto Hung, J.D. and Family, Lombard Resident Homeowners, Illinois Victims of Heinous Hate Crimes in DuPage County, USA

2011-05-27 07.22.52

The Village of Lombard, Police and Fire Department have not compensated the Family of Mr. Roberto Hung, his Daughter, Lombard Resident Homeowner as Victims of Crimes, Structural Disaster Roofing Water Damages and Losses at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church, and one block southwest from Westmore…


Added by Gardenia C. Hung on October 25, 2011 at 11:23am — No Comments

for all generations

I have never blogged before, but here goes something...

I was trying to decide what to focus on nov 11 and after watching the trailer decided that I don't have to have an agenda; I merely need to document:  Wherever and whatever I can, that day is to be documented for all the interesting and mundane; the obvious and the latent; the livliness and survival; new and ancient and everytime in between; for all who are aware of the butterfly effect we live and those ignorant of lives and…


Added by Janine Barry on October 24, 2011 at 11:40am — No Comments

New to the community

So happy to part of this community! I'm also very interested in observing what kind of content people share with the network, what ultimately ends up being published in the library, and just how people interact in general. I pledge to be an active member of this community of practice, considering this project incorporates ALL my interest! - no more lurking for me.

Added by Desiree on October 21, 2011 at 11:57am — No Comments

They come in peace

They Come In Peace from doc tv on Vimeo.

Filmed on Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece, Earth, 20.10.2011
by DOC TV |

Added by DOC TV on October 21, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

these are the days of our lives...

Added by Catarina Simões Pereira on October 20, 2011 at 10:11am — No Comments

One Day to Recognize: the Story of 11.11.11

To some people, November 11th, 2011 is yet another regular day that may pass as much as the next one, aside from the funny coincidence that it carries 6 (ones) in it. Well, I beg to differ; for this day is a major event for the rapidly increasing community of One Day On Earth, as it is considered a day to embrace the humanity in all of its forms and remove the differences that stand as obstacles in the way of uniting the population of the globe, by bringing them to do but a simple thing; to…


Added by Al-Nasir Bellah Ishrak Al-Nasiry on October 15, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Abuse of A Translator and Interpreter by the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA

Abuse of a Translator and Interpreter by the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA

My name is Gardenia C. Hung (Fong) Wittler, eldest daughter of Mr. Roberto Hung Mustelier, and Lombard resident homeowner at 502 South…

Added by Gardenia C. Hung on October 15, 2011 at 8:33am — No Comments

Arsonists, Abuse of Private Private Property, Access Entry Illegal Activities by Lombard Police and Fire Department

Arsonists, Abuse of Private Property, Access Entry Illegal…


Added by Gardenia C. Hung on October 15, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

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