One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Hello. I just joined this educators group but noticed that a lot of the discussions are from October 2010. Is anyone planning on having their students do some writing/collaboration around global issues on 11/11/11?

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Hi Chris Sloan. I've just joined this group and I also would like to share my ideas about environmental, educational and other issues. Do you have an access to the One Day in the Life forum? We're educators and no doubt we're interested in educational issues more than other ones. I would be glad for our collaboration.
Ismayilli, Azerbaijan, .

Hi Daniel. I hope you're well.
How can I watch your students' film?
Ruhiyye, Azerbaijan

Chris Sloan said:

Sounds good Dan.  I teach English, photography, and video in Utah.  What are some of the other/topics concepts you are thinking about?  One of the things I was thinking about is doing something around education.  For instance, what if some of my students were to talk about 1) what they've learned recently and 2) something they'd like to see improve in education.  I also have some students interested in environmental issues and things like the Occupy movement.  Let's talk more.  We'd like to collaborate.

Daniel John Kinzer said:

Hi Chris! My students are going to be filming for the project ... some of them are focused on global issues, and others have developed other topics/concepts appropriate for the purpose of the One Day on Earth documentary. We're open to collaborating on the project - at the very least we could share footage and connect students to discuss their learning experiences in different parts of the world.

Let me know if you're interested. I've got a group - Mr. K's Classroom, and am working at an American School in southern Taiwan.

My Best,



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