One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

marissa andaloro
  • Female
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • United States
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Marissa andaloro's Friends

  • Bernadi Reloaded
  • Dr. Adrian Toader-Williams
  • Mohammed I. Nayyef
  • Karam Hilly
  • Ammar Qusaibati
  • Alex Ringer
  • Manuela Senatore
  • Susie Stephen
  • Malak Atkeh
  • Raymond J Woods II
  • Marat Getmanchuk

marissa andaloro's Page

Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Teachers College Columbia University
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
psychology and education
What languages do you speak?
What did you film on 12.12.12?
The beauty in vulnerability, raw emotion, the magnificence of simplicity through observing it in micro and how seemingly negative aspects of life can be a step into a beautiful experience.

Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 12:44am on September 7, 2013, Atul Gupta said…

such a nice bday video :)

At 3:27pm on January 12, 2013, Zuqy said…

hi marissa. i filmed my family just answering some questions regarding this year's theme. hope you have a great weekend! love & peace :D can't wait to see the next film! cheers

At 3:28am on January 10, 2013, Ivan Ballester Molina said…

Hi Marissa! Yes I filmed making Spanish Chorizo in rural Spain. I think this is all you need in life: good health, love and GOOD NATURAL FOOD. I am sending the films by DvD to the Santa Monica Adress as I had problems trying to download them to the ODE website.

what about you? did you filmed any interesting things? best and Happy 2013.

At 12:30am on December 27, 2012, Dr. Adrian Toader-Williams said…

Hi ! On my wall here on " One Day on Earth " did not appear, but VIMEO ok finally. Here is the LINK.

At 6:28am on December 18, 2012, Malak Atkeh said…

Hi Marissa, I filmed as well on 11.11.11, did not uploaded it, can you advice/help how I can do it please, as I have no access to do it.

Best, Malak

At 6:04am on December 18, 2012, Malak Atkeh said…

Hello dear thanks for your comment, I filmed on 12.12.12, Im working on editing it and will soon share it with you...My film is under the title of "HOPE"

Best Regards


At 12:42pm on December 9, 2012, Raymond J Woods II said…


YES! I will be participating this year again wouldn't miss it. I am in NYC this year and plan on spending the day walking around the city capturing moments in people lives (including mine). Also if there is anything is particular you want covered in NYC let me know I can try to add some coverage.

Wish me luck.

At 1:00am on December 3, 2012, Christian Ceres Merry said…

I can't wait I love this event so much. We'll be here on the Lower East Side, now I have Tiki our newest rescue girl. I'll have my hands full literally, I will have a camera mounted on Oscar's stroller so my free hand will have Tiki's leash and Oscar in the stroller, we'll be a mini studio LOL

At 11:47am on December 1, 2012, Sandra Eagle said…

thank you. will do!

At 11:03am on December 1, 2012, Andrew Taylor said…

Hi Marissa,
Much thanks for encouraging comments. I'd like to do something for 12.12.12. Not sure what yet, but will think of something spontaneously as the day unfolds perhaps. But I'll start thinking now ... and be prepared.

My One Day on Earth Videos



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