One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Tammie Snyder's Blog – October 2010 Archive (4)

Not enough time!

I would like to spend more time in this project! When I get started on the project I can't stop. I know that I have two more video's that I want to put together from my footage and photo's. I will need to block out a couple of day's to get this finished.

Added by Tammie Snyder on October 28, 2010 at 7:59pm — No Comments


I have produced two different video's so far with the footage and photo's that I shot. There is so many idea's running through my head as I have gone over the special stories that are in the interviews.

I am trying to get permission from the artist of a song that I would like to use with one of the video's. I pray that she will give me permission for the use of her wonderful song! The pictures and the song are meant for one another.

I don't have…

Added by Tammie Snyder on October 15, 2010 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment


This project was more than I had anticipated. What an opportunity to spend 24 hours with children viewing the earth through their eye's and opinion's. This was a hidden blessing.

I also included some of my children to assist me with this. The amazing "hidden" thing was watching my own children see other kids and their situations. My eldest child when leaving the final shoot in down town Seattle was crying because of the interviews with the homeless…

Added by Tammie Snyder on October 11, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments


I am looking forward to this shoot! What am I going to find, how well am I going to be excepted? I am intrigued and taken by what children see? What do they think? The various ages of children, what am I going to find? Joy, Simpleness, Fear, Innocences, what?

I pray that this project when shared with the world will speak to not only me be to the many that view it.

Added by Tammie Snyder on October 9, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment


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