The World's Story is Yours to Tell
Nepal represents a land of natural beauties - mountains, lakes, forest, temples, religions etc... here in One day on earth I would like to show some of its nicest beauty through my photography as its…Continue
Started by mesharan. Last reply by mesharan Apr 8, 2012.
just posted my Sequoia National park pix on my page...big bears and big trees oh my!! :0) I know i wish there were tigers...but not going to happen in any century in the land of the giant forest! Go take a gander!
We decided to film Mel feeding the wild monkeys here at home...a precious daily routine she has in perfect balance with Nature.She was born here at home, and wakes up everyday with a 'good morning Mother Nature' !
best to you all!
Mel,Gabi e Carlos
So - now it´s done - lots of images to sorten out to make my contribution
Namibian youth taking action to adapt to climate change! That will be the focus of my video. It will look at the pioneering efforts of a group of Namibian young people called the Physically Active Youth who have started an urban garden in support of food security and income generation for the centre where they have after school programmes and educational support for young people. The garden uses innovative gardening techniques which take into consideration the challenges posed by climate change in Namibia but also maximising on the opportunities presented to youth to come up with their own solutions. Watch this space...!!
I'm really looking forward to seeing all the photos and video footage from everyone out there who's going to be documenting some aspect of the environment. My own interest in environmental activism won't be playing as much of a role in my contribution as I thought it would, but I'd still like to at least snap some photos of the simplistic beauty of nature that I see in my day-to-day life.
want to share a short video about sadhana forest, a volunteer based project in South India and Haiti dedicated to water conservation and reforestation
...and the absurd huge dam being built in the heart of the Amazon, here in Brazil?
Brazil's going backwards environmentaly wise...years and years of good environmental rules being destroyed now. South America's Nature is suffering.
Skye - Good to read your comments. Water and Food Security is one of the biggest issue in the world today. Our group of partners is now setting up a Water Reference Centre.
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