One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Jeff Theisen
  • Male
  • Appleton, WI
  • United States
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  • Peter Brandenberg

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Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Renew Science Inc
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Alternative energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency, solid state lighting, Solar thermal and electric, Hydropower, energy reclaim, waste to energy, electric and hybrid transportation, and anything that reduces our dependance on fossil fuels.
What languages do you speak?
What did you film on 12.12.12?
The way to reduce the harm caused by abusing our use of fossil fuel resources.

Winning a stage is my theme

My image is a worldwide press release photo of Sammy Sanches of team Euskatel winning a mountain stage at this years Tour de France. An accomplishment for anyone who must train hard and suffer much to attain. Thank You... One Day On Earth... for the STAGE ... those who try may someday win and show the world the face of victory that Sammy shows here.

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Jeff Theisen

Submission complete 11/16/11 10 minutes from 2 hours taken 11/11/11 edited and produced by me alone

Posted on November 16, 2011 at 8:21pm 0 Comments

Plans do change, as you will see, the video now complete provides a message ...that everyone can do something or wish something they can do to affect our contributions to co2 emissions to our planet. I believe that global warming and the social and economic effects of using fossil fuel energy to be the most serious problem facing the global community. It is clear that simple proven technology is here and now available if only more of us were aware of it and how much it can improve anyone's… Continue

The plan for 11.11.11

Posted on November 3, 2011 at 4:55am 0 Comments

Going to show sun advancing thru windows and doors on day warming house...trees devoid of leaves allowing sun to past to windows...vines devoid of leaves no longer cooling brick....go to Chevy dealer and test drive a volt ...ask to see the charge station it comes with. Visit Vincent depaul buy a used led Xmas light at night and led bugless fixture lighting door ...11/3/11

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At 4:13pm on December 4, 2012, Christy Zwicke said…

Hi Jeff,

12.12.12 is coming up around the corner - are you interested in filming something this year?

Best wishes,

Volunteer, One Day on Earth

At 6:00pm on November 2, 2011, Jeff Theisen said…
I live in north eastern WI USA where about 1/2 the year is winter. My home is heated about 1/2 from the warmth of the sun. I wish it could be more but the sun only shines about 1/2 the days of winter here. There's no changing that but if 1/2 the people that can view what I show in videos are inspired to create new alternatives to imported fossil fuel perhaps we can all have more.

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