One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Spirituality on 12.12.12


Spirituality on 12.12.12

Creative Collaboration:
What role does spirituality play in your life? Make this group a place to share your footage and exchange thoughts on how spirituality effects your life and on 12.12.12!

Members: 45
Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2013

Discussion Forum

What is Spirituality? 3 Replies

I sat at the waters edge watching loons play. Worked on my creative endeavor - building a tiny camp among the Spruce and Cedar. Watched as the squirrel packed away food for the winter. Drove into…Continue

Started by Patterson Shafer. Last reply by Rev Andrew Hedge Oct 13, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Navya La Shay on January 3, 2013 at 7:51am

Here is a link to my video my friend filmed my ceremony on 12/12/12
It was a great experience all around.

Comment by Christy Zwicke on December 3, 2012 at 4:22pm

Hi everyone, what spiritual aspect or topic will you film on 12.12.12? Looking forward to seeing everyone's footage!

Comment by Greg Roach on December 5, 2011 at 7:05pm

We climbed Gebal Musa - Mt. Moses - in the Sinai. This is my third time to do it and it is always a deeply spiritual experience. Not for any religious reasons you understand, but for the staggering beauty and raw, palpable, energy of the place.

Comment by Dr. Charles Richard Eminizer on November 11, 2011 at 5:44pm

Hi, how do i add my 11/11/11 video to the group.

Comment by Dr. Charles Richard Eminizer on November 11, 2011 at 5:42pm
Comment by Alfred G. Jonas on November 11, 2011 at 10:55am

11 nov 2011
10:52 am mst
rd ab ca na earth

greetings... well i recorded a short 2 minute piece this morning concerning my belief and faith in the light... the true light.... what do I mean by the light? well it relates to this very profound experience I had with ? something in the 1980s ... through my research over the years the closest i've come to be able to define it is ... i had an encounter with "GLORY"..... it was not human glory or perhaps even natural glory but a kind of celestial or divine glory.... any way looking forward to sharing the vid with you.... hopefully i will still be around tomorrow to upload it for you
may the true light be with us
ed jonas

Comment by Cecilia L Carey on November 10, 2011 at 7:31pm

My primary focus will be on spirituality, especially in light of the opportunity to attend a special gathering of my fellow shamanic practitioners at Makepeace Manor on 11.11.11. But because I'm currently trudging through National Novel Writing Month AND trying to maintain a positive outlook on life as I work a temp job with an uncertain future, I'm hoping to merge all three areas together. Shouldn't be hard, since my spiritual path as a witch permeates my creative path as a writer, and both areas of my life give me the strength to endure despite whatever hardships may befall me. I just hope I can condense what I have to say into something that others will watch, since I can be long-winded once I get going. Love to all my fellow H*** sapiens out there who are engaging in this beautiful undertaking with me.

Comment by Daphne Domingo on November 9, 2011 at 11:29pm

Hey Cecilia! We do all our filming (long or short) only on 11/11. I think we have about a month to submit our footage.

Comment by Cecilia L Carey on November 9, 2011 at 4:50pm

I have to admit to a bit of confusion. Will we need to have a short film of a 24-hour period of our lives put together and ready to share by 11.11.11, or is that the day on which we'll be doing the documenting? I had a plan for putting together my personal spiritual practices with my creative work, since this Friday is the monthly gathering of a shamanic group I'm a member of. I'd like to tie in my spiritual path with the creative writing project I'm working on AND how both of those elements help me to get through life as a struggling college graduate trying to make a living in today's desperate economy.

Comment by project1979 on November 9, 2011 at 10:29am

So, what are we planning to do for Friday? Perhaps we could send a message of peace, all at the same time? We could do it via facebook or twitter. Any thoughts?


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