One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Group in India for 12.12.12


Group in India for 12.12.12

Regional - South Asia - India. A group for members of One Day on Earth participating from India on 12.12.12.

Location: Valsad, Gujarat, India.
Members: 86
Latest Activity: Apr 12, 2013

Discussion Forum

What are you going to film about? 6 Replies

Hey everyone, I've been a member of OneDOE for quite some years now, though inactive. I'm slightly excited about filming for 12/12/12 for the first time & I would appreciate suggestions from…Continue

Tags: suggestions, film, India

Started by Daksh 'Duck' Srivastava. Last reply by Sunil Malhotra Dec 12, 2012.


Take a moment on 11.11.11 to help make our next Soundscapes film a global collaboration! Visit our group page at…Continue

Started by T.K. Broderick Nov 9, 2011.

Breaking the ICE. 1 Reply

Dear Film Makers, Lets reflect REAL India in our films on 10.10.10. I may initiate the discussion to evolve ideas for what can can shoot - peopleplacesfoodfestivalsroadsand?? share your ideas…Continue

Tags: AKHIL, sutaria, 10.10.10, Making, Film

Started by AKHIL sutaria. Last reply by Shyam Madhavan Sarada Aug 22, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Group in India for 12.12.12 to add comments!

Comment by Vishal Verma on September 28, 2010 at 11:33am
I am little confuse. Can you please tell me some hints about project or send videos as a hint.
Comment by Premananda Mishra on September 25, 2010 at 6:03am
I did not receive any PDF document or guideline. Please suggest me so that I can get and refer before shooting. I feel proud to be in a group like one day on earth.
Comment by Shyam Madhavan Sarada on September 2, 2010 at 7:38am
Hi Charly, I believe the footage has to be shot on the 10th of October, that's how the theme works. The idea is to document something on the same day across the world. Perhaps you will have to plan a shoot for 10.10.

Good luck with your project!
Comment by PETER REX CHARLY on September 2, 2010 at 6:50am
Hello everyone here in India group.,

I am charly from tamilnadu..I represent a NGO New Life ( We had been working for women and children since 1993. Our unique project is the home for the children of incarcerated parents. We have taken a short film on the lives of the three children and would like to upload the film for the 10th Oct programe. I request all your support and blessings for the successful launch of the campaign on these children who needs your assistance for the change in their life..........
Comment by AKHILITV on September 1, 2010 at 3:00am
I am sure by now all of you must have recvd pdf document as a guideline to document 10.10.10 do share your ideas and refine them.for attaining better production.
Comment by Shyam Madhavan Sarada on August 23, 2010 at 7:18am
Are there other members from this group who are located in Bengaluru (Bangalore) or plan to shoot there? Would be great to pool resources.
Comment by AKHIL sutaria on August 23, 2010 at 7:13am
Share your ideas to get refined idea for documenting One Day on Earth on 10.10.10 in much better manner. Think of people, ages, craft, kinds, food, celebrations, clothes, makings, preparation, places, and ...... keep adding and sharing. After all we need to do it in best possible way.
Comment by Sebastian Panakal on August 23, 2010 at 4:31am
I'm not a film maker. But I may be able to contribute to the team. I may be able to help in Text editing, campaigning or what?
Comment by Gina Nemirofsky on August 19, 2010 at 8:53am

India Kumbhamela from 3SENSES on Vimeo.

Wanted to put up some inspiration. Share your favorite images of India with the group!

Members (85)



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