One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Christen Hepuakoa Marquez
  • Female
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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Christen Hepuakoa Marquez's Friends

  • Tanes Tj Jitsawart
  • Shannon Raleigh
  • Leo Yinug Pugram
  • Sally C
  • Ahmed Affan Adil
  • Michael Beech
  • Hauauru Rae
  • Mike Beech
  • Chris Toussaint
  • Ahmed Yaamin Mohamed
  • Isso Jerome Nihmei
  • Kuenzang Om
  • Pratima Thapa
  • Witson Phillip
  • Bigmama Cooper

Christen Hepuakoa Marquez's Page

Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Paradocs Productions
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Film and TV Production
What languages do you speak?
English, Hawaiian, Spanish
What did you film on 12.12.12?
indigenous people in rural and urban environments living wide a range of traditional and contemporary lifestyles.

This is a trailer for the documentary project that I just finished that will be coming out next year 2013.

Haku Inoa: To Weave A Name from Christen Hepuakoa Marquez on Vimeo.

Christen Hepuakoa Marquez's Photos

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Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 7:09pm on December 22, 2012, Claire Rainbow said…

No worries, footage is all on a external hard drive in it's original state

At 5:35pm on December 11, 2012, Sally C said…

Hi Christen, yes I was able to capture the sunrise...I don't have a fancy camera but was able to film an hour or so of footage :)...happy 12.12.12

At 2:20pm on December 11, 2012, Shannon Raleigh said…

Thank You! I am excited to be a part of it :)

At 9:56pm on December 10, 2012, Bigmama Cooper said…

lol okay run this by me a bunch of times lol.. ok so when we record 12.12.12. do you want me to record the whole day or just a part of that day and when were done is there a time limit to when we have to upload the vid?

At 8:31pm on December 10, 2012, Lee, Boon-Yeo said…

Thank you so much!!! My heart was all aflutter in anticipation for the project on 12.12.12

At 7:56pm on December 10, 2012, Kuenzang Om said…

Thank you! We will shoot one on 12th which is day after tomorrow here then.

At 7:50pm on December 10, 2012, Kuenzang Om said…

Hi Christen,
I am glad to be a part of it. I am a part of a project called RECYCLIVE which raise fund around the community of the campus and donate to UNICEF which then uses it to buy vaccines for the children around the world. We already have one video and do you think we should make one again? Just seeking your opinion. :)

At 10:51pm on December 9, 2012, Al Bergstein said…

Thanks for letting me know that. I think it will be a good shoot.

At 3:58pm on December 9, 2012, Al Bergstein said…
I'll be covering Jamestow S'klallam children practising the S'klallam language, and the tribal carver.
At 1:04am on December 9, 2012, Al Bergstein said…
Thanks Christen, i amplanning to do work with the Tribe on this.

My One Day on Earth Videos



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