One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Manuela Senatore's Comments

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At 1:12pm on January 10, 2013, Sheldon "RASTA" Casimir said…

hi Manuela this is my contribution to 12.12.12

At 12:58pm on January 8, 2013, Sebastian Vaca De Guzman said…

hi Manuela, here's my edited video form 12.12.12, hope you like it...

At 1:14am on December 18, 2012, dabobabo said…

Ciao Manuela,
ho fatto un pò di riprese in giro, solita fontana :D ed una ripresa niente male dentro la chiesa di santa maria degli angeli (non è vaticano in senso è territorio della chiesa..bah..) e qualcos'altro ..a presto scaricherò e monterò il tutto lasciandovi i glio originali se poi potranno tornarvi utili..comunque mi sono molto divertita e ..sentita parte di un progetto mondiale, e non è poco! ciao e grazie

At 10:36pm on December 11, 2012, dabobabo said…
Ciao, entrare in Vaticano, e soprattutto filmare, e' una cosa molto difficile se non si e' residenti li...cercherò di contattare qualcuno, ma non vi prometto nulla...
At 3:17pm on December 11, 2012, dabobabo said…
Ciao Manuela, si comincia!!!
At 11:16am on December 5, 2012, Alexandra Mirkowski said…

Are there guidelines me and my students need to follow?

At 5:19am on May 3, 2012, BENJIE PASIG LANDINGIN said…


At 10:30am on January 4, 2012, Sebastian Vaca De Guzman said…

Hi Manuela... Happy New Year, I decided to make a short clip with all my material from 11.11.11... hope you like it and brings back memories from Ecuador...

At 1:59pm on December 3, 2011, Michael Kunke said…

Okay, will send you the lyrics tomorrow when I pass by the office, but his name is Qofi Menza. The song is basically about the happy nature of Ghanaians, peace and love.

At 4:10am on December 3, 2011, Tony Whittaker said…

Hi Manuela - thanks for your message. I have finally had time to go through the footage from my friend's wedding I filmed in Sydney on 11.11.11. I will upload a video with the best shots tomorrow. I think there are some nice moments in there. Hope you enjoy. Tony

At 12:17pm on December 1, 2011, Sheldon "RASTA" Casimir said…

Hi Manuela, finally i uploaded what we did in Dominica this year. check it out

At 12:13am on December 1, 2011, Michael Kunke said…

Do you guys need the lyrics? I can mail it to you if you need it.

At 12:09am on December 1, 2011, Michael Kunke said…

Am glad you like, was not really sure, since there has been some silence. Basically that was what we were able to come up with since Joseph said there was no one representing Ghana on the Global Song Collaboration we channeled everything to coming up with this video. The guy's name is Qofi Menza (music name) he's a friend who's into rap music ( , Yes the song is original we wrote it like some two days to 11-11-11 shot and recorded the video and the song on 11-11-11.

At 2:43pm on November 22, 2011, Manuel Broullón said…

Gracias por tus palabras, Manuela. En la investigación con imágenes que es todo acto de filmar me di cuenta de que la poesía de Jenaro aquella mañana del 11.11.11 introducía una dimensión muy interesante como reflexión y como hilo conductor de algo que para mi era vital en este pequeño vídeo que no contiene más veleidad artística que la de mostrar en lugar de demostrar nada: mirar el mundo que me rodea como una realidad que es valiosa y hermosa por sí misma. Abrazos, Manuel

At 9:41am on November 20, 2011, Geovanni Santos said…

Thanks Manulela,
oneDayOnEarth are for the ants too :D

At 11:36pm on November 19, 2011, Emily Clulow said…

Hi Manuela! On 11/11/11 I filmed at a beach in Australia. It was so much fun! Thank you so much for watching my video from Parklife! Hope you are well x

At 9:33pm on November 19, 2011, Claire Rainbow said…

Thanks for your help Manuela. I'm glad you enjoyed my vids. :-)

At 12:51pm on November 19, 2011, Siba Hammami said…

Thank you for watching my video, Manuela! :)
Could you please add the location of my video to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Footage About to "The capital city of Saudi Arabia, 300 meters above the ground.", Who in Video to "Other People", and Language in Video to Arabic?

At 1:02am on November 19, 2011, Ray said…

Thanks manuela! hope it makes the cut!

At 12:19pm on November 18, 2011, Hugo Gamboa said…

Ciao Manuela. thanks for the comment about the park. I have some raw footage from 11-11-11. I just need to put it together and share it with ODOE as soon as I can. I want to pick up the best shots for it.

Best Regards,


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