One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Brandon Litman's Comments

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At 8:50pm on June 4, 2010, Henrique Mourão Carneiro Rocha said…
Thanks Brandon!
let's do it!
best regards from Cape Verde!
At 11:25am on June 4, 2010, Mark Vasilkov said…
Hi Brandon,a big thank you from Lithuania :) Wish you good luck in future.
At 11:15pm on June 3, 2010, sanjin said…
hi B!
thank you:)
we be in touch.
At 2:12pm on June 3, 2010, Anish Babu Verghese said…
Hi Brandon, greetings from Bahrain. It's a small world indeed.
At 4:18pm on May 18, 2010, Edgardo Zingg said…
Hey Brandon, thanks for taking the time. Yes I am a skydiver, and we jump all around Venezuela, have you ever been here? Its a beautifull country and the sceneries off our jumps are amazing, I thought it might be a good contribution to this project. I'm sure some of my friends will welcome this initiative and will want to participate.
At 3:45am on May 18, 2010, Ashley Lambert said…
Hey Brandon! Thanks a lot! I love taking pictures, especially of the amazing place around me.
At 6:47pm on May 14, 2010, pinkflower shiny said…
nice to get acquainted .
At 3:20pm on May 10, 2010, Simon Egger said…
Hey Brandon, yes Liechtenstein is very small, but we have a close relation to the surrounding countries Austria and Switzerland. I added some landscape photos, others will follow. They may give you an impression what liechtenstein is about :)
At 12:56am on May 6, 2010, Chris Campbell said…
Thanks, Brandon. Warm bread is very nice.
This is going to be an interesting project!
At 10:16pm on May 5, 2010, Ian Laurie said…
No problem.. It really does seem like a fantastic, genuinely original idea.
At 6:27pm on May 5, 2010, Adele Pham said…
Hi Brandon, looking forward to the educational tool kit when it becomes available. Here is a weebly site I created for my class:
At 5:19pm on May 2, 2010, victoria charters said…
Thank you for the message! It was great to see the 140 at Newport, I was pleased that my 140 seconds was used to end the film. :) ... Look forward to shooting 10.10.10
At 12:05pm on April 30, 2010, Obi Onyejekwe said…
No prob. I'm already planning it out. I also let everyone around me know about the event.
At 4:20pm on April 24, 2010, O2creation said…
Hey Thanks Brandon, I'll update the page soon!
At 3:32pm on April 23, 2010, One Day On Earth said…
The artist is Chad king. He's a friend and this track is unpublished...but alas
At 1:51pm on April 23, 2010, char abumansoor said…
thanks man ......good work i like it
At 7:49am on April 23, 2010, One Day On Earth said…
A nice track from the sound cloud:
01 Track 01 by onedayonearth
At 4:03am on April 23, 2010, Javier Pistani said…
Thanks! a lot!
At 3:00am on April 23, 2010, Ashley Duncan said…
That farm is pretty much turnkey homesteading at it's finest. If I didn't have one of my own, I'd snap 'er up myself! :)
At 7:09pm on April 22, 2010, Vicente Rogers said…
Thanks brandon!


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