One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

I think this film One Day On Earth is a wonderful film that can help foster peace and friendships among people. Having a shared global debut is a great idea to provide people with a sense of togetherness and a shared experience of getting to know each other better.

I have suggested more of these types of global togetherness projects be established to help create more peaceful planet. I have written a proposal for a global truce and a global cease fire. The full proposal can be found on my website at Please check out the 500 ideas that I have to strengthen the peace. Included in this list is to have more showings and viewings of this film around the world, as well as posting all of the clips sent in not for the project to be uploaded onto the internet, not just a edited film so people can develop a connection with others around the world by seeing each other's faces, their lives and their situations.

Going For A Global Truce
International Peace Every Day Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease Fire Proposal
Michelle Rosenthal, LMSW
(646) 492-3976
(This is an open letter to all world leaders and the secretary General of the UN being placed on my website for all humanity’s help to advocate for a global truce and a global cease fire. I will send it to many world leaders, media, religious leaders and peace organizations. )
TO Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General (Phone # (212) 963-5012, Fax # (212) 963-4879)

I request the Secretary General of the United Nations and all world leaders review the enclosed International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire Proposal.
There are two versions of the proposal. The first is merely the currently in force UN Resolution: Res 55/282 of 9/7/2001 International Day of Peace resubmitted with two changes from International Peace One Day Resolution to International Peace Every Day Treaty. No other significant changes were made. The second version of the proposal adds many more details to the global truce treaty proposal to strengthen the peace and to codify a process that if followed would make it more likely that a global truce and a cease fire would be able to be maintained.
All world leaders are encouraged to please sign this petition to the UN Secretary General to show their support for a global truce treaty to be introduced in the United Nations.
Individuals may sign the following petitions calling for the US government sponsorship of the International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease Fire:
I request the UN Secretary General accept this treaty proposal suggesting that International Peace One Day UN General Assembly Resolution A Res 55/282 be used as a foundation for an International Peace Every Day Treaty. Please submit official language based on this proposal idea to all nations for consideration for each UN member nation to sign. Please see my videos related to this and
If a member nation of the UN must first sponsor this idea to have it formally introduced to all nations, rather than being proposed by me as an individual and my informal Going For A Global Truce Peace group then I request you please contact the world leaders to ask them to please come forward and officially submit official language for an International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease Fire to be formally introduced into the UN to be reviewed. I request that language for an International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease Fire be submitted to all UN Member Nations as soon as possible (preferably before 4/21/12) to keep to the very important schedule outlined in this proposal . Please have a proposal for International Peace Every Day scheduled for emergency UN consideration and signing by 6/21/12 as a treaty (or just voted upon as UN General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions as a next first step to the 9/21/12 treaty) to avert all war.
I call upon the UN Secretary General to help advocate with all 192 world leaders to unanimously sign the International Peace Every Day Treaty once it is actually formally proposed.
Proposed Target SCHEDULE: Treaty Distribution to all nations by 4/21/12. Phase 1 Treaty signing by or before 6/21/12. Phase 2: Treaty ratified by 9/21/12. Phase 3: Further Resolutions to strengthen the peace: 12/21/12 as outlined in the proposal.
Hopefully this UN treaty for International Peace Every Day will be unanimously adopted. If all nations adhere to the global truce and global cease fire called for in this treaty proposal it will be one of the greatest thing that has ever happened to humanity throughout the course of our existence on Earth. Please, let’s give it a try. We just may succeed at it! Imagine peace. Let’s Build the Coalition Of the Willing Not To Go To War! I request the nations of each continent collectively begin working on preparing and ratifying a Continental Peace Every Day Treaty for Continental Truce and Continental Cease Fire in the interim while we are working on a global truce and a global cease fire. All combatants throughout each continent may be invited to sign a continental cease fire.
I suggest each nation seek to work toward achieving a national truce and a national cease fire within the borders of their own individual nation by following many of the 500 ideas that were recommended in the proposal on a national level. I suggest each community seek to declare their own truce and cease fire agreement between the warring factions. Humanity has to utilize courts, mediation, arbitration and nonviolent methods to solve disputes.

I will continue to make improvements to the draft of the recommendations and they will be posted at

I did not want to wait since time is of the essence. I request the UN consider this treaty proposal very seriously and thoroughly as it may reduce much of the fighting and wars on Earth. Please have official language drawn up for the idea in this proposal to go forward. “MayGlobal Truce StartNow! MayGlobal Cease Fire StartNow!” May Peace Prevail InThe UN and all over the Earth and Let It BeginWith all of US!
Please help me spread the word around the world. Please arrange a meeting for me to meet with The Secretary General Of the United Nations in person or over the internet. Please allow me to address the UNGeneral Assembly and the UN Security Council in person or over the internet with this idea as soon as possible for the sake of all life on Earth. I will prepare a simple video statement that can be shown to the UN general Assembly and Security Council. I am doing this to save human life from war and atrocities.
Michelle Lee Rosenthal, LMSW.
Michelle Lee Rosenthal, LMSW
Going For A Global Truce
International Peace Every Day Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease Fire Proposal
Michelle Rosenthal, LMSW
(646) 492-3976
International Every Day of Peace Treaty Proposal (VERSION 1)

(Revision proposed based upon UN Resolution: A Res/55/282 of 9/7/2001 International Day of Peace
I have stricken out the words that have been taken out of the original A/Res 55/282 and underlined words that have been added to the existing UN resolution A Res/55/282 of 9/7/2001 International Day of Peace to change it from peace one day to peace every day.
Please introduce by 4/21/12 a binding treaty to be signed by all nations calling for International Peace Every Day or an amended version of UN Resolution A 55/282 of 9/07/2001 to be signed or voted on by 6/21/12 and made permanent 9/21/12 changing the language from International Peace One Day to International Peace Every Day.
The following is the treaty proposed to be signed or adopted as a resolution by the UN General Assembly and Security Council:
The Universal Declaration of the Right to International Peace Every Day TREATY for Global Truce and Global Cease Fire [Without reference to a Main Committee (A/55/L.95 and Add.1)] 55/282 International Day of Peace
International Every Day of Peace TREATY
(or Resolution) :
The General Assembly A Res 67/9-21 Proposed
Security Council S Res 67/9-21 Proposed
Recalling its resolution A 36/67 of 30 November 1981, by which it declared that the third Tuesday of September, the opening day of the regular sessions of the General Assembly, shall be officially proclaimed and observed as International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples,
Recalling also its other relevant resolutions, including resolution 55/14 of 3 November 2000,

Reaffirming the contribution that the observance and celebration of the International Every Day of Peace makes in strengthening the ideals of peace and alleviating tensions and causes of conflict every day,

Considering the unique opportunity it offers for a cessation of violence and conflict throughout the world every day, and the related importance of achieving the broadest possible awareness and observance of the International Every Day of Peace among the global community,

Desiring to draw attention to the objectives of the International Every Day of Peace, and therefore to fix a date for its observance each year that is separate from the opening day of the regular sessions of the
General Assembly,

1. Decides that, with effect from the fifty-seventh sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly, the International Every Day of Peace shall be observed on 21 September each year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for the celebration and observance of peace every day;
2. Declares that the International Every Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed every day as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence every day, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day every day;
3. Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Every Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire every day. Source: Source: (upon passage!)
Going For A Global Truce
International Peace Every Day Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease Fire Proposal
Michelle Rosenthal, LMSW
(646) 492-3976


(2nd Version: Much More Detailed)
The Universal Declaration of the Human Right to International Peace Every Day
Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire Proposal

Global Truce Starts Now! Global Cease Fire Starts Now!
May Peace Prevail On Earth

Recalling: Kellogg Briand Pact of 1928

Recalling: In the aftermath of two world wars and the unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust, world leaders signed the Charter of the United Nations in San Francisco on 26 June 1945.
Recalling: “We the people of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war…”
Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice 1945

Recalling: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Constitution and its Preamble quote in 1945:
“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that defences of peace must be constructed”
Recalling: The UN’s 4 main purposes as listed:
1) To keep peace throughout the World
2) To develop friendly relations among nations
3) To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and literacy and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms.
4) To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.

Recalling: 9/ Dec 48: The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
Recalling: A Res /2625 24 October 1970: The Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the UN:
Recalling the UN resolution: A/Res/36/67 of 30 November 1981 International Year of Peace and International Day of Peace: NR040693.pdf?OpenElement

Recalling: A Res 37/10 of 15 Nov 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes:
Recalling: A Res/ 38/131 19 Dec 83 Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Among States
Recalling: A/Res/39/79 13 Dec 1984 Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Among States
Recalling: The UN 1992 Handbook On the Peaceful Settlement Of Disputes Among States
Recalling UN Resolution: A/Res/48/11 of 25 October1993, Observance of the Olympic Truce 7 days before the Olympic Games to 7 days following the closing of each Olympic Games: NR040693.pdf?OpenElement

Recalling: UN Resolution: A Res/53/243 6 October 1999 Declaration and Program of Action on a
Culture of Peace

Recalling: S/Res/1284 17 Dec 1999: for the establishment of the UN Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)

Recalling: UN efforts at establishing a “Peace Culture”

Recalling: UN Resolution: A RES/55/2 UN Millennium Declaration

Recalling UN Resolution: A Res/55/282 of 9/7/2001 International Day of Peace
Recalling: The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Recalling UN Resolution: A/Res/64/4 of 19 October 2009 Building a Peaceful and Better World Through Sport and the Olympic Ideal

Recalling UN Resolution: A/Res/66/L.3 October 2011 6 Week Olympic Truce For The London Summer Olympic Games in 2012: Sport for peace and development: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal

Recalling the UN Peace Building Commission at
Recalling: Numerous UN Documents, a Gathering Body of Global Agreements Culture of Peace:

Recalling UN Resolutions and Other Reference Documents:

Recalling: UNESCO Manifesto 2000 for a culture of Peace and Nonviolence:

UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace

Recalling: The Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and On Their Destruction: C4048678A93B6934C1257188004848D0/$file/BWC-text-English.pdf 3DB6C16EB02CC82BC12576E40031F2F7/$file/ BWC-Obligations+Agreements+&+Understandings.pdf
Recalling & reconfirming all peaceful UN efforts to lead humanity in a peaceful direction:
All UN General Assembly Resolutions:
All UN Security Council Resolutions:
Recalling all work of the UN:
Recalling all UN Treaties:
Recalling UNESCO: 12 November 1997 Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations Toward Future Generations DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.hml
UN History:
UN Culture of Peace:
Recalling the efforts of
Recalling the UN Bill of Human Rights: ________________________________________________________________________________
Noting: According To the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (
Definition of TRUCE
1: a suspension of fighting especially of considerable duration by agreement of opposing forces: armistice, cease-fire
2: a respite especially from a disagreeable or painful state or action

The following language is proposed to be signed as a treaty by all nations or adopted by the UN General Assembly:
The International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire:
Universal Declaration of the Human Right to International Peace Every Day Treaty
1.Declares that The International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire shall be adhered to and observed every day by all nations and all people. International Peace will continue to be commemorated especially on International Peace Day, 21 September of each year.

Peace every day is to be maintained and brought to the attention of all people, for the celebration of and reaffirmation of our daily observance of peace.

2. Declares that international peace shall henceforth be observed
by all nations and all peoples every day, with global truce, global ceasefire and non-violence.

All nations and people are invited and encouraged to honor a cessation of hostilities every day.

3. Invites all Member States, all non-member states, organizations of the United Nations system, regional, non-governmental organizations
and all individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, through education and Public awareness the International Peace Every Day Treaty
for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire on The International Day of Peace:
September 21st annually. International Peace, Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire will remain in effect every day between all nations, groups within nations, entities and peoples.

4. After the UN member nations sign the treaty or a vote ratifies this resolution: Each world leader is invited to simultaneously proclaim and sign an agreement on that date;

Global Truce Starts Now!
Global Cease-Fire Starts Now!
A Global Pact Starts Now:
Humans are urged not to kill humans.
Nations are urged to help humans.
Negotiations for peaceful resolution to all conflicts is needed.
Nations and peoples are urged to not engage in elements of crimes
as defined by the International Criminal Court.
Nations are urged to restore environmental damage of past wars.
Nations are urged to make comprehensive plans
to live peacefully and sustainably.
Global confession and amends for past wrong-doings is suggested.
Nations and corporations are urged to put people over profits.
Nations are implored not to produce nuclear weapon
or weapons of mass destruction.
Global nuclear weapon elimination begins now.
Global international cyber-peace begins now.
Humanity hereby renounces war as an instrument of national policy.
Peaceful and friendly relations between their peoples shall be perpetuated.
Our Global-Family Reunion Begins Now!
Our Global-Family Feud Ends Now!

Nations are convinced that all changes in their relations with one another should be sought only by pacific means and be the result of a peaceful and orderly process. Any signatory Power which shall hereafter seek to promote it’s is national interests by resort to war should be denied the benefits furnished by this Treaty;
Hopeful all nations of the world will join in this humane endeavor adhering to the present Treaty as soon as it comes into force bringing their peoples within the scope of its beneficent provisions, thus uniting the nations of the world in a common renunciation of war as an instrument of their national policy.

Together all humanity is invited to join in prayer and say:
“May Peace Prevail On Earth and Let It Begin With Me!” “Global Truce Starts Now! Global Cease Fire Starts Now!”
Together Let’s:
Hear the message May Peace Prevail On Earth in 101 languages:
See the Prayer for World Peace in many languages
See “May Peace Prevail” prayer messages in the world.

5. All people and entities may proclaim
“Global Truce Starts Now, Global Cease-Fire Starts Now”
and are invited to say
“May Peace Prevail on Earth and Let It BeginWith Me”
Now and least twice daily; when you wake and just before you sleep.

6. This global ceremony may be repeated annually 21 September.
7. All leadership parties involved in war or armed conflict shall be urged to sign SPECIAL GOING FOR A GLOBAL TRUCE And GLOBAL CEASE-FIRE AGREEMENTS to cease and desist from ordering or engaging in military combat with each other. All parties to the agreement will be given an original copy of their agreement.
Each party to war or armed combat will be offered legal counsel to represent their interest in the nonviolent peace talks with each other supervised by the appropriated court or agency designated by the UN.
Each of the conflicting parties’ leader (or designee) will be urged to comply with emergency stat court appointment dates to have their peace talks supervised by a court or agency with jurisdiction over the resolution of their dispute. A UN referral with appointments to participate in actual or virtual meetings at a UN designated Going For a Global Truce and a Global Cease-Fire Peace Planning Reconciliation Center as soon as possible to begin peace talks.
Each leadership party to an armed conflict will be advised to accept services of a multi-disciplinary team of Going for a Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire peace-planning and peace-training professionals.

8. Let All UN Member Nations, Unrepresented Nations, Peoples, Entities and all Humanity immediately begin to take appropriate, peaceful, actions to put this treaty, and the global truce and global Cease-Fire into lasting effect.

9. A Global Amnesty may be granted to all parties who sign the official International Peace Every Day Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire Treaty from 6/21/12 to 12/21/12 and to all participants in the Emergency Comprehensive Going for a Global Truce and a Global Cease-Fire Peace Talks granting immunity from prosecution in the International Criminal Court or in any court for past elements of crimes committed prior to 6/21/12 or the date the treaty was initially made available to sign PROVIDED: They fully uphold the International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire Agreement from the very date the treaty is passed by UN resolution and HENCE FORTH refraining from committing any further elements of crimes as listed by the International Criminal Court’s Elements of Crimes
All treaty signers and non-signers alike are implored only to undertake peaceful resolutions to conflicts from this day forward. Violators of the treaty, of the global truce, the global Cease-Fire and of the elements of crimes will be subject to prosecution for all of their crimes in all applicable courts.
No nation or country may be prohibited from signing this treat at any time.
No non UN Member State, organization, entity, or individual may be prohibited from signing a supplemental Global Truce, Cease-Fire Treaty Agreement online at any time. There shall be no charge or payment for signing the treaty or the supplemental treaty agreement. All non UN Member States, organizations, groups, entities and individuals may sign the supplemental treaty pledge agreement electronically over the internet and download for free their commemorative copy of the International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire Supplemental Agreement, their personalized pledge agreement statement, and their personalized invitation to repeat the universal prayer:
“May Peace Prevail On Earth and Let It BeginWith Me!”
“MayGlobal Truce StartNow! MayGlobal Cease Fire StartNow!”
and to write, pray and say those words now and at least twice daily; once when you wake and once before you sleep.
This is a global outreach initiative for all humanity to participate.
For this global effort to attain peace on Earth to be successful the first step is for you to have the willingness to live peacefully. Do you have the willingness to live peacefully?
This concludes the proposal for the International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire. Please see over 500 Recommendations to help strengthen the peace at or on the pages to follow.

Going For A Global Truce
International Peace Every Day Treaty For Global Truce and Global Cease Fire Proposal Recommendations to Strengthen the Peace
Michelle Rosenthal, LMSW
(646) 492-3976

May Peace Prevail on Earth
“Global Truce Starts Now! Global Cease Fire Starts Now!”
Check out my own video about this proposal at: and
Please see Going For A Global Truce You Tube Channel and michelleleerosen channel
Please read the 500 recommendations to help strengthen the peace and increase adherence to the International Peace Every Day Treaty for Global Truce and Global Cease-Fire by all nations, organizations and people.

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