One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

We applied two months ago to get to film to be a part of One Day On Earth.
Basically, on 10/10/10, there are people all over the world filming
everything from momentous events like child birth, volcanoes exploding,
whatever to the mundane, like eating ramen. The goal is capture what
the world is like today for future generations.

Nolan and I tossed around tons of ideas, like "Lets do a video on how to
make lasagna!" or "Let's paint and carve pumpkins!" or "Lets run away
to Mexico on five dollars!" until we finally settled on what struck a
chord in our hearts. Life in the Midwest, below the poverty line,
attempting to 'go for a dreams', and be successful
parents/people/humans. We wanted to showcase HOW IT IS to be a family
below the belt because it's America's dirty little secret.

We will be talking A LOT about poverty and the poverty lines in our
nation versus living here. Some of what we say won't be popular, but it
is truthful and it is what we experience every single day. We wanted
to make a point that the American Recession is still very real and here
in the rural Midwest, we feel trapped so often by our situation despite
our hardest work and our best efforts.

So, today we're filming and I'm sitting here silently quaking with
laughter because Eva is doing her footage. AND SHE IS A TOTAL NATURAL
IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA. She smiles, talks to the camera, is totally in
tune with what she's doing. It's HYSTERICAL. She's totally Sunset
Boulevard revisited.

Ok. More Later. When we have our film finished and edited, we will
load it here for you to see. This WILL take awhile, but I *hope* it's
worth it for you all! It won't be perfect but so far with filming it's
going well and I am excited to see our finished product! Here's our profile page also and we will update it as often as possible.

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