One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Photo : Sparkling Indonesia - Google


Hi,errr..wait.. before I introduce myself, i'll let you know that my english grammar is awful so i hope you'll forgive me and if you don't mind please tell me where's my mistakes if i make a mistake here.. hhaa then...

Hi, My name is Assyifa Szami Ilman. In my country, Indonesia that name is a li'l bit awkward. Why? because almost all "Assyifa" in Indonesia is girls, but actually i'm a boy. My friends said that i really have a big confidence. But in my perception, i'm kind of shy person. And people said that I have a great nationalizm. And btw, I'm moslem, which means that i believe in Islam religion but i do open a relationship ( as a friends) to all of the people in the world. Beside that, i have ablog about tourism in Indonesia. That blog will show you ( if you open it) all of my stories while i was travelling around Indonesia. Well, I learn all about this world at Al Azhar 1 Islamic High School. Al Azhar 1 High is one of the best High school in Jakarta, Indonesia. And i thankfully to God and this school for let me know about this website, "Face To Faith" . 

I was born in Surabaya, the biggest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. I grew up in many cities because my dad and mom work as an armies, so when i was baby we often to move from this city to another city. So many city we've visited that era. we move in to more than 10 cities all around Indonesia in 5 years haha. I moved in to Aceh in 2002. And when Tsunami hits Aceh and 12 other countries around the world in 2004, i was drowned by the waves but God save me and i still alive until now, i can't stop thankful to God :D because that disaster teach me about life.Well, my monkey and turtle were died :( . And after that i moved on to Bandung and then Jakarta until now.


And now i'll tell you a li'l of my country, Indonesia.

Indonesia is located in southeast asia. Indonesia is the biggest archipelago around the world. With it's 17.000 islands located around 5000 km horizontally in equatorial line. Indonesia have more than 300 tribes, 500 dialects and languages with its 240 milliion people make Indonesia is 4th populous country in the world. The big issue that Indonesia have to clear it its all about terrorism, corruption, and separatism. I think that Indonesia is save, "FBI" in Indonesia version is more educated now than before. The corruption cases in Indonesia still become no.1 problem that our government need to fix it out. There's a institution that works hard for solving the crruption cases. and about separatism, our people have a big nationalizm and i think those who want to left out from this enchanting country don't really think for what they do.


haha that's all about me :D i hope with im joining this organization, i'll be the part of creative people:D bye..see ya for my next posting :D

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