One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Dr. Santiago Hung M.D. is a Community Health Doctor in Practice based in Miami, Florida USA

A Community Health Doctor in Practice
Santiago Hung-Simons M.D. studied Medicine in the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo
Cousin Santiago Hung-Simons became a General Practitioner Physician, a Medical Doctor in the Dominican Republic, known in Spanish as Santo Domingo. His Mother, Silvia wanted him to be a medical doctor, so she supported his studies for medical school in the state of Florida for the United States; then he moved away to the Dominican Republic to study Medicine in Santo Domingo. His Aunt Peggy Simons who lived in Kingston, Jamaica and moved to Miami, Florida to be near his sister Silvia, also favored and supported his medical studies and interest in natural healing, herbal medicine, veterinary science and agriculture.
Dr. Santiago Hung-Simons, M.D. is now 56 years old. He was born in Santiago de Cuba on December 23 is the third son of Silvia and Miguel Hung Sr.; grandson of his grandparents Santiago and Gertrudis on his father’s side, and also of his maternal Grandfather Denis Simons and deceased wife in Kingston, Jamaica.
Santiago Hung-Simons has been a world traveler during his journeys for medical conferences. He has traveled as far as India, the Far East, and the Caribbean, Mexico, Venezuela, South America.
When the Hung-Simons family traveled to Mexico City D.F., in Mexico, they left Santiago de Cuba and La Habana during the late 1960s. From Mexico, the Hung-Simons family traveled to the United States of America to settle in South Miami, Kendall County where they purchased real estate property in the state of Florida. My Father Roberto Hung Juris Doctor visited his brother Miguel and the Hung-Simons family several times while they all lived in South Miami and Hialeah, Florida.
Photo 1:  Santiago Hung-Simons is the third brother of Ray Hung-Simons, Miguel Hung and Olivia Hung-Simons. In this photo taken with my Father, Mother, and myself, Santiago is sitting next to his older sister Olivia and brother Miguel, surrounded by other cousins in the family of grandparents.

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