One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

A day in the life......Billings, Montana, USA, North America, Planet Earth....

When I first thought of participating in this moment in time, it seemed like my comments would have to be thoughtful, very important, and timeless. As the day has passed, I have recognized the ordinariness of daily intersections. And how I respond to those incidents: what I feel, see, hear and think, and consider what the ripple effect of this interaction may be.

This morning I rose at 6:18 am. Intending for 6:00 am, but the body was slow to get feet on the floor. Did the usual morning ritual, then some meditation, an everyday thing for me. Left the house at 7:05, headed for Khenpo Yoga Dhatta's for our usual Sunday morning breakfast. The Khenpo and I share the major responsibility for the well being of our Buddhist community here. We try to get together once a week to maintain rapport. He cooks, I walk to this place, an half an hour away!

My Sundays are much like today. I meet with four disciples, individually, over the course of the morning, listening to each person's questions, concerns. If they have brought dreams, we go over those for an understanding of inner consciousness, insight and awareness. As Lama, my role is to point to ways in which each one can recognize the nature of mind by directly observing their own experience. This may sound more complicated than it really is. We all have this capabiity.

This afternoon, I helped my housemate cut flowers from the garden for making dried bouquets. Watching the bees looking for one more gathering of pollen before the end of their active season. October this year has been mild, comparatively. Today we are still enjoying Indian Summer.

I talked to a friend, a member of our Buddhist community who needed a book to read. He is spending the weekend as a patient in the hospital psychiatric unit. Crisis hit on Friday and he needs a re-evaluation of his meds. I see that this friendly caring support is what connects us. Or perhaps it is clearer to say it reflects our connectedness! Thinking of this One World view especially for today, I am seeing the sameness of all life, and our endless connectedness. Try to find a boundary where one ends and another begins! On some levels maybe, but not possible for all, not even possible for most. This will be what we will see in the videos, read in the commentaries.

I remember so well, pouring over those photographs, over and over again in "The Family of Man," edited by Steichen, published in the 1950's. Reading and re-reading Gibran's, "The Prophet," a few years later--those two books "marked me" in ways I did not fully understand at the time.

It has been an ordinary day, and yet singular, never to be repeated. I am grateful, savoring this day's offerings.

Approaching 11:30 pm this day 10-10-10, I find myself at the computer, making comments, reflecting, just like usual. Many thanks for this opportunity to share our ordinariness! Many blessings to all.

Namaste! Svaha!
Khenmo Shila Mani, Rinpoche

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