The World's Story is Yours to Tell
2012 Community Volunteer Outreach Service by Gardenia C. Hung (Wittler)
Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler's Volunteer Experience & Causes
Volunteer Community Experience
Graduate School Communication and Theatre Department
University of Illinois at Chicago
March 1983 – October 1985 (2 years 8 months)
Abraham Lincoln Fellowship Graduate Assistant for the Chinese American Service League in care of Bernie Wong, Director, in Chinatown Chicago, Illinois USA.
Graduate Research Associate at the Pacific/Asian American Mental Health Research Center working with Elena Yu, Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
March 1984 – October 1985 (1 year 8 months)
Graduate School Communication Survey Research Methodology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, Emergency Room working with Elena Yu, Ph.D. Research Associate at the Pacific/Asian American Mental Health Research Center, with joint appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Anthony Graham-White, Ph.D., Thomas Kochman, Ph.D., Alfred Jones, Ph.D. less
Catholic Parishioner Community Volunteer
St. Pius X Catholic Church and School in Lombard, Illinois
Social Services
January 2005 – present (7 years 9 months)
Lombard resident homeowner, Catholic Parishioner Community Volunteer for the Adult Choir, Catholic Women Association in the Diocese of Joliet, Community Focus Groups, Cooking Chili for the Chili Night Contest, Christmas Craft Show, Holiday Decoration, Prayer Chapel, and other community parish events.
Friends of the Court Advocacy Community Visitor
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in DuPage County, Illinois USA
Social Services
May 2001 – present (11 years 5 months)
Paying for automobile gas transportation, telephone calls and usage, mailing out-of-pocket expenses, worked with Judge Robert Emmet Byrne, Judge Mehling as a Friend of the Court Advocate Lombard resident homeowner and community visitor to Lexington Nursing Home in Lombard and Elmhurst, the Deicke Home for the Retarded in Lombard, Ray Graham Iona Glos in Addison, Elderly Seniors in Elmhurst, Marklund Children's Home for the Retarded in Bloomingdale, etc. less
Lombard Resident Homeowner Community Assistance
Lombard Service League
Social Services
January 2002 – present (10 years 9 months)
Paying member of the Lombard Service League for which I incurred out-of-pocket expenses in the amount of $80.00 dollars or more for newsletter color printing for Barbara Madigan, Gloria Fretters, Sonny Egan, and other members of the Lombard Service League.
Editor of the Newsletter for the Friends of the Helen M. Plum Library, Patron Donor to the Community
Friends of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library
Social Services
January 2002 – present (10 years 9 months)
Community Coordinator for the Twelve Wreaths of Christmas at the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library. Editor for the monthly newsletter published by the Friends of the Helen M. Plum Library. Patron Donor of Resources to the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library. Community assistant during the Book Sale and other events.
Lombard Resident Homeowner Paying Member
Lombard Garden Club in DuPage County, Illinois
September 1993 – present (19 years 1 month)
Paying member of the Lombard Garden Club. Community gardening assistant at the Lombard Historical Society, Annual Lilac Sale at Lilacia Park. Presented Garden Travelogue to the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Active community participant and gardener at the Lombard Garden Club. Lombard gardener at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in the Village of Lombard, District 5, York Township, DuPage County, Illinois 60148-3028 USA. less
Graduate Research Associate for Anthony Graham-White, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago Graduate School Communication & Theatre Department
March 1983 – December 1985 (2 years 10 months)
Graduate Research Associate at UIC Communication & Theatre Department Anthony Graham-White, Ph.D., Thomas Kochman, Ph.D., Alfred Jones, Ph.D., Rhetoric Department for the Abraham Lincoln Fellowship
French Liaison Assistant for Professor Dorette Klein,
Northeastern Illinois University Languages Division Bruno Galassi, Ph.D.
September 1977 – December 1982 (5 years 4 months)
Advanced Placement French Language liaison for Professor Dorette Klein, Advisor for the French Club, the French Honor Society, French-Canadian cultural travel, performances, International Food Festival at NEIU, French Club President, French Club Vice-President; helped Professor Dorette Klein while she was pregnant with her daughters Ilana and Michelle Klein during French-speaking activities, events, travel, receptions, concert performances, French food demonstrations, restaurant outings, French field trips, etc. coordinating and making arrangements as event planner and coordinator, sponsor, organizer. less
Early Education Assistant in Spanish, French Cultural Activities at the LaSalle Language Academy Magnet School, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois
LaSalle Language Academy for Professor Himilse Badell, Ph.D.
September 1981 – December 1982 (1 year 4 months)
Early Education Assistant for Professor Himilse Badell, Ph.D. at LaSalle Language Academy Magnet School providing cultural classroom support for Bilingual Education in Spanish, English, French singing songs, playing children's games, early child education activities, events, celebrations, bulletin boards, etc. during teacher training for Northeastern Illinois University student teaching program.
Assistant French/Spanish Teacher for Dr. Manuel Verdugo, Ph.D., Margaret Dolan and Maureen Breen
Lincoln Park High School and Middle School, Chicago, Illinois
September 1981 – December 1982 (1 year 4 months)
NEIU Assistant Teacher Training with Rosalyn O'Cherony, Ph.D., Bonnie Busse, Ph.D. assigned to Lincoln Park High School and Middle School to assist Dr. Manuel Verdugo, Ph.D. in Spanish, Margaret Dolan and Maureen Breen during French and Spanish cultural activities, communication exercises, language-acquisition practices, field trips, events, role-plays, French skits, etc.
Community Volunteer
Chicago Humanities Festival
Arts and Culture
September 2003 – present (9 years 1 month)
Arts and Culture sponsor and hostess community volunteer for the Chicago Humanities Festival at the Alliance Française, the Newberry Library, the Harold Washington Public Library, the Chicago Cultural Center, and other venues.
Adjunct Faculty Committee Member
College of DuPage European Heritage Committee
September 1999 – December 2001 (2 years 4 months)
College of DuPage European Heritage Committee Member working with Professor Ann Cotton, Rob Streit, and others during college events in the community.
Adjunct Faculty Committee Member
College of DuPage Latin American Committee
September 1998 – December 2000 (2 years 4 months)
College of DuPage Latin American Committee working with Zinta Conrad and other colleagues to organize and support the Latin American Committee for college cultural events in Glen Ellyn, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Active Member
Chicago Area Interpreters and Translators Association
Social Services
January 1994 – present (18 years 9 months)
Active member volunteer working with the CHICATA Newsletter editor Alicia Marshall, President John Bukacek, Janice Becker, and other colleagues during CHICATA conferences, seminars, workshops for interpreters, TIP Lab with Yrma Villareal, and other CHICATA members.
Active Translator and Intepreter Member in CHICATA, American Translators Association
Federation of International Translators
Social Services
January 1994 – present (18 years 9 months)
Active Translator and Intepreter member in CHICATA, American Translators Association who developed conference presentations as a speaker and presenter for the Federation of International Translators.
Adjunct Faculty, Active Member Teacher in French and Spanish
Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
September 1978 – present (34 years 1 month)
I became an active member of the Illinois Council on the Teaching Foreign Languages with Professor Rosalyn O'Cherony who was faculty at Northeastern Illinois University. I continued paying full membership fees and participated as a presenter volunteer during conferences at the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in the Chicagoland area, at the College of DuPage with Flora Breidenbach and her husband in Glen Ellyn and Itasca, Illinois USA. less
Active Member and Volunteer
NEIU Spanish Club and National Spanish Honor Society
September 1977 – present (35 years 1 month)
Active member and participating volunteer for the Spanish Club and National Honor Society with Professor Angelina Pedroso, Ph.D., Rosalyn O'Cherony, Ph.D., Bruno Galassi, Ph.D., Manuel Rodriguez, Ph.D., Flora Llacuna who was the receptionist for the Foreign Language Division at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago.
Volunteer Dance Event Assistant
Ensemble Español Dance Theatre with Dame Libby Komaiko Professor Emerita at Northeastern Illinois University
Arts and Culture
September 1977 – December 1990 (13 years 4 months)
Volunteered to assist the Ensemble Español Dance Theatre with Dame Libby Komaiko Fleming during the events, receptions, promotions, visuals, hosting reception, participation in Master Flamenco Dance Workshop and other dance courses taught by Dame Libby Komaiko Fleming at Northeastern Illinois University.
Contributor and Volunteer
Friends of the Parks
January 2005 – present (7 years 9 months)
Friends of the Park environmental activities, outdoor, attended programs, activities, events, volunteered for the Friends of the Parks.
Community CPR/AED First Responder for Family and Friends
American Red Cross CPR/AED First Responder
September 1998 – present (14 years 1 month)
American Red Cross First Responder for CPR/AED for Community, Family, and Friends
Certified at the College of DuPage
Alexian Brothers Medical Center
Villa Park Fire Department CPR/AED For Family and Friends
DuPage County Health Department CPR/AED Basic Chain of Survival
Environmental Committee Member
Village of Lombard
September 1999 – present (13 years 1 month)
Environmental Committee Member, Lombard resident homeowner volunteer who assisted with the Yorktown Recycling Extravaganza organized by Winnie Lyons, Greg Gron, Marvin Schulgen, and other committee members.
Community Public Relations Media Communications Workshop
Village of Lombard
Social Services
September 1999 – present (13 years 1 month)
Community Lombard resident homeowner and member of the Community Public Relations Media Communications network promoted by Joelyn Kott, Communications Department.
Lombard Resident Homeowner Community Volunteer
Lombard Historical Society
Arts and Culture
May 2003 – present (9 years 5 months)
Community resident homeowner volunteer, history researcher, writer, photographer for the Lombard Historical Society and the Sheldon Peck Homestead after I met Joel Van Haften, Tom Fretter, Gloria Fretter, and other Friends of the Lombard Historical Society.
Translator from English into Spanish for the Theosophical Society in America Web Page
Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, Illinois USA
Social Services
June 2003 – December 2003 (7 months)
Theosophical Society in America National Lodge Member and Translator Volunteering with David at the Marketing Department, Betty and David, TSA Staff, to translate from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English correspondance from Latin America, TSA National Lodge Web Page Content, etc. at the Wheaton Headquarters for the Theosophical Society in America National Lodge in Illinois, USA.
Medical Network Research Assistant for José Poquet, Director in Chicago, Illinois USA
GESA Assistance, Groupe Européen S.A., Premier Assistance Chicago
September 1982 – December 1985 (3 years 4 months)
Researched Medical Network for Dispatcher Emergency Assistance for GESA Assistance in Chicago, Illinois, Groupe Européen S.A., Premier Assistance medical travel insurance while José Poquet was Director for North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, etc. During December, travelled with José Poquet to Washington, D.C. and the Library of Congress for additional resources and information about Medical Networks in the USA, Stayed at the Ritz-Carlon Hotel in Washington, D.C. during research. Visited Manhattan, New York for Blue Cross Blue Shield travel insurance contract arrangement. less
Volunteer for Lilac Time Lombard Parade Float with the Friends of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library
Lilac Time in Lombard Friends of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library
May 2002 – May 2002 (1 month)
Volunteered for the Lilac Time Lombard Parade Float Ride with the Friends of the Helen M. Plum Memorial Library, Gerry Long, Barbara Wagner, Barbara Madigan, Bob Harris, Carol Mangaracina and other members of the committee board at Plum Library in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Community Volunteer
Parkview Community Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Social Services
November 2008 – November 2009 (1 year 1 month)
Community Volunteer at the Parkview Community Church on St. Charles Road in Glen Ellyn, on Sundays and during Thanksgiving Community Dinners, helping Rev. Ray Kollbocker, Bible Pastor Mike McDuffy, Betty, David, etc.
Community Volunteer
Church of Christ on Villa Avenue, Addison, Illinois
Social Services
November 2008 – November 2010 (2 years 1 month)
Community Volunteer at the Church of Christ on Villa Avenue in Addison, Illinois on Sundays before and after Church Services for Luncheon, Cash Contributions, Food Pantry Donations, Gifts, Funerals, Farewell, etc. to Rev. Larry and Mrs. Peggy Cox, Mr. Ken Handy and Mrs. Rosave Handy Pickerill & Family, Henry W. Hochstatter, Rev. Logan Summers, June Dial, Rudy and Lisa Klosterman, Eliot and Pam, Eldridge, Larry and Linda Sharp, etc. less
Community Volunteer, Disciples Pantry Services
Community Church of Villa Park, Illinois
Social Services
December 2008 – November 2009 (1 year)
Community Volunteer at the Community Church of Villa Park in Illinois with Rev. Kerry Waller, at the Disciples Pantry with Chuck, Joan, and others. Helping during Community Church Events, Gatherings, Luncheon, Dinner, etc.
Community Outreach Volunteer Homeowner by the Deicke Home for the Retarded
Deicke Home for the Retarded, 1001 Division St., Lombard, Illinois USA
Social Services
June 2001 – November 2010 (9 years 6 months)
Community Outreach Volunteer Lombard Homeowner Resident at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road & Washington Boulevard, three (3) blocks from the Deicke Home for the Retarded at 1001 Division St. and Westmore-Meyers Road. I have been a Community Outreach Volunteer for the Friends of the DuPage County Courts, 18th Judicial Circuit Court Circuit, while Peter Fantuzzi and Darlene Cox have been employed at the Deicke Home for the Retarded. Also while Bruce Thompson and Crystal have been full-time staff with Linda Hollenstein, Darlene Cox and Joyce with Nancy who attended the Spirit of Chicago Cruise on Lake Michigan, Felicia, Janice, and other staff who were working there and residing with the Retarded at the Deicke Home in the Village of Lombard, near St. Pius X Catholic Church. I have also visited the Deicke Home for Sunday Communion Services at 7:00 p.m. with Cecilia Acosta from St. Pius X Catholic Church Parish Community while Rev. Herb Essig and Father Tom Corbino have priests at St. Pius X Catholic Church in the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois USA. less
Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital High Hopes Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group
November 2008 – December 2010 (2 years 2 months)
When one of the founders of the High Hopes Traumatic Brain Injury Support Group, Henry W. Hochstatter, invited me to Marianjoy Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare to meet Dr. Nancy Devereux, M.D., I was glad to volunteer and mentioned that Dr. Ken Oken, M.D., had treated my father Mr. Roberto Hung Juris Doctor for rehabilitation and home care after my father suffered from a severe traumatic brain injury and aneurysm as a Lombard resident homeowner on December 22, 1996. less
Community Court Advocate
Community Court Advocacy with Judge O'Malley, District 3, Chicago, Illinois
Civil Rights and Social Action
January 2003 – January 2004 (1 year 1 month)
Community Court Advocacy with Judge O'Malley, District 3, Belmont Avenue and Western Avenue, Chicago, Illinois USA
Chicago Humanities Festival Volunteer
Chicago Humanities Festival
Arts and Culture
September 2002 – September 2005 (3 years 1 month)
Chicago Humanities Festival Volunteer for the Alliance Française, the Harold Washington Public Library, Newberry Library, and other community locations for the Chicago Humanities Festival in Illinois USA.
Volunteer To Take Patients To The Doctor's Appointment
DuPage PADS in Wheaton, West Chicago, Bloomingdale, Alexian Brothers Medical Center
November 2008 – December 2009 (1 year 2 months)
Volunteer Driving DuPage PADS Patients To The Doctor's Appointment with Henry W. Hochstatter in his Toyota SR5 SUV from DuPage PADS in Wheaton, we took Betty to West Chicago, John Olsen to the Alexian Brothers Medical Center and West Chicago, Sidney Williams to Bloomingdale. In addition, took Henry W. Hochstatter who was sick to see Dr. Eyad Homedi, M.D. in Bloomingdale and also to see Dr. Pareek, M.D. for his colonoscopy in Addison, Illinois USA. less
One Day on Earth
Civil Rights and Social Action
January 2005 – present (7 years 9 months)
One Day on Earth Volunteer Blogger Media Arts Professional, Photojournalism, Videojournalism
Professional Member Associate, Volunteer
Alliance Française de Chicago
Arts and Culture
September 1994 – December 2004 (10 years 4 months)
French-speaking Bilingual Volunteer at the Alliance Française de Chicago, Accueil/Welcome, and l'Union des Français à l'Etranger (UFEC), also during the Chicago Humanities Festival, in addition to the Groupe Professionel Francophone (GPF).
On July 4th, 1997, I had a Fourth of July Luncheon Celebration at our Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow with six (6) Special Guests–Chemical Engineer Philippe Alinat, his wife Christine, their two daughters, her Mother and her Sister visiting from Lyons, France. I invited French-speaking guests since I was Tutoring the Alinat's oldest daughter at their home in Woodridge, Illinois USA. less
Faculty Committee Member Volunteer
College of DuPage European Heritage Committee
Arts and Culture
September 1999 – December 2000 (1 year 4 months)
College of DuPage Faculty Committee Volunteer Member for the European Heritage Committee with Ann Cotton, Moderator, Bob Streit, and other colleagues in Glen Ellyn, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Community Outreach Volunteer
First United Methodist Church
Social Services
January 2006 – December 2009 (4 years) 999999999
Lombard Resident Homeowner, Participant in the Tai Chi Taoist Society at the First United Methodist Church of Lombard at the corner of Main St. and Maple Avenue, Lombard, Illinois 60148 USA
Volunteer Interests
Causes I care about:
•Arts and Culture
•Civil Rights and Social Action
•Economic Empowerment
•Human Rights
•Social Services
•Abuse of Human Rights in Housing
•Lombard Criminal Police and Fire Department
Gardenia C. Hung, M.A. at 4:26 PM
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