One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Ayden F.

Diary Entry


9:00 AM

I just got out of my Tech Lit. class a little while ago, and I’m in my Faith Foundations class. I am not fully awake yet but I am excited because we get to go to our clubs next. It’s not super noisy in class right now, people are talking but it’s pretty calm. I enjoy looking at some of the other girls saint picture drawing of their deceased loved ones.

10:30 AM

Clubs were pretty fun today. I had my R U Prepared club. We talked about self-defense, and then we watched a video of different ways to protect ourselves in situations where someone might try to harm us or kidnap us. After the video we went to the Old Grand Salle to practice our moves with a partner, but then we got to loud for the other clubs around us to to their thing, so we went to the cafeteria to practice. Some people volunteered to show of their movies and showed us all how to do them. It was interesting to see different ways people would protect themselves in similar situations.

12:10 PM

I had lunch with my peer minister group, and it was super fun even though we didn’t do much. We ate and talked for a bit. Then we listened to some of the Seniors give good advice on Winter Formal. I liked listening to the older more experienced Sion girls, because I know they went through the same thing I am now.

12:30 PM

Math class is almost over, but I decided to write some before i go to my fifth hour class, English with Ms. Watts. I realized that I really don’t like being on the Senior schedule, it makes your last four classes seem like hours longer. But the day is almost over!

1:12 PM

I am in English class now! I took my vocab test and i am pretty sure that i did well. I like English class because our class is smaller than most classes, and its a fun and friendly environment.

2:32 PM

I am sitting in my Intro to World Studies class and we are about to watch a few videos on the Dalai Lama. When Mr. Conaghan started the video, you could hear a big, “awww” from the class. He is a cute little man!

5:30 PM

I just got back home from working out, and me and my friend are getting ready to go shopping at the Legends. I am really excited! This was a great way to end my 11-11-11!

HAPPY 11-11-11

Views: 36


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Comment by AralinaS_nds on November 30, 2011 at 12:24pm

Very well done! :D Five stars for you.

Comment by HarrisonW_nds on November 30, 2011 at 12:13pm

Awesome job ayden! laugh out loud I remember RU Prepared, tash was doing some karate! Anyway, bye ayden! :)

Comment by MaryG_nds on November 30, 2011 at 7:25am

So good! Great writing, Ayden! :)

Comment by LucyM_nds on November 29, 2011 at 12:17pm

You did a really good job writing about your day! Mine is always just like that!


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