I do not yet know if I'll be able to attend this event, I have a previous engagement that night. However it seems like a great opportunity to capture extensive camaraderie on film. Unfortunately all I have is my flip cam. Next year I'll be more prepared and have my Pentax 35mm.
Added by Lauryn A Stallings on October 28, 2011 at 4:00am —
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I just signed up.
It makes me wish I'd checked my e-mail sooner. I'm going to go out to the park today and film. Stephens Lake Park. Hopefully at sunset. I want the world (or whomever opens the capsule) to see what I saw. I was already so excited for this day. It just got better.
Added by Lauryn A Stallings on October 10, 2010 at 12:28pm —
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