Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Did Pure Applied Sience as a Laboratory Technician.
In this course, I took, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Food Technology/Science, Molecular Biology, Plant and Animal immunology, Bio-Chemistry, Biology, Statisics and Computing.
What languages do you speak?
English, Pidgin and my mother- tongue, Roviana language.
What did you film on 12.12.12?
I would like to documnet that although we are directly being affected by the effects of Climate Change, the presence of UNDP in this country is helping my country men and women to learn how to adapt inorder to be resilience in the face of this catastropy, Climate Change. This one day will be a snap shot of what the UNDP office is doing to prepare my country men and women in thier bid for sustainable survival in reality.
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I'll keep my fingers crossed too! We're all looking forward to the collaboration this year!
Can't wait to see what you film on 11.11.11