One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Michael Struwig
  • Male
  • Cape Town
  • South Africa
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Michael Struwig's Friends

  • Viktoriya Mariova Guberska
  • susanna
  • Aimz Q
  • christiane specht
  • Jackie Sawiris
  • Brandon Litman

Michael Struwig's Page

Profile Information

What languages do you speak?
English, Afrikaans
What did you film on 12.12.12?
Currently, I have no idea. I guess it'll have to be a surprise.

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 7:25pm on April 20, 2012, Lee Mirrer said…

Have you seen this? Kyle talks about you in the video. I'm going to the premier on Sunday 4/22/12 in Santa Barbara. Are you?

At 3:18pm on November 8, 2010, Lee Mirrer said…
Just watched all of your videos. You have a way of expressing yourself that could really influence people and help our world. Keep on doing what you do. It's beautiful. I would like to say I knew you when......... My parents saw Bob Dylan when I was a little girl before anyone had ever really heard of him. They saw him at a coffee shop playing his music. I remember them coming home from the show and telling me that they just saw this guy that was really going to influence the world. I feel so happy and good that there are still sensitive young people that want to make the world a better place. I even feel like we might have a chance knowing there are people growing up that are like you. Thank you for bolstering my faith in humanity....sometimes I wonder if things are really going to go down the tubes.....?....then there is a little light that pops through the darkness and it's a beautiful ray of sunshine names Michael Struwig. There is hope that there will be a bright and shining tomorrow. You will make a difference! Thanks!
At 11:49pm on October 21, 2010, Brandon Litman said…
YES Michael! Once again, you rocked it. I already shared it with friends. Very very good work my friend!
At 10:40pm on October 9, 2010, Aimz Q said…
that's awesome! can't wait to see your footage!
At 2:39pm on October 9, 2010, Aimz Q said…
hey hey! excited!?
At 5:07pm on September 22, 2010, Summer Stone said…
Your video was moving, i can't tell you how much I can relate to you.
At 10:34am on September 22, 2010, christiane specht said…
Hey, i will remember your invitation when i come to Capetown the next time. You can be sure of :-)


and all the best for your project in 10.10.10

At 6:02pm on September 21, 2010, Jackie Sawiris said…
your promo is simply ... beautiful ... thank you :)
At 10:32am on September 21, 2010, christiane specht said…
Beautiful.really touching.

... and besides the video itself - i just love Cape town. The video made me want to go and live there once more.

At 8:15pm on September 20, 2010, One Day On Earth said…

My One Day on Earth Videos



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