How's it going? I see that you're into music/music creation and was wondering if you'd be interested in taking part of a music collab I'm trying to set up. Here is the link to the group for more information -
Would love to have you on board for this awesome opportunity!
Estimados Amigos
Les recuerdo que HOY a partir de las 22.30 Hs intentaremos reunirnos para la definicion de QUE HACER. Vengan todos!
Desde ya, quedo a disposicion
Fabian Rodriguez Saravia
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Hey Mercedes,
How's it going? I see that you're into music/music creation and was wondering if you'd be interested in taking part of a music collab I'm trying to set up. Here is the link to the group for more information -
Would love to have you on board for this awesome opportunity!
Les recuerdo que HOY a partir de las 22.30 Hs intentaremos reunirnos para la definicion de QUE HACER. Vengan todos!
Desde ya, quedo a disposicion
Fabian Rodriguez Saravia