Thank you Mahmuhul for your comment on my wall. It seems like you are very knowledgable about climate change, flooding, and how those things impact Bangladesh. I think that is a great topic. I would love to see some footage of the impact of this issue near you. I know there had been bad floods earlier this year around July. It would make your video even better for you to speak on camera about what you see happening with this subject or even other friends colleagues and neighbors about what they think about these issues. It might be good to also think of this issue in terms of our theme which is "what you have and what you need" What you have might be floods but what do you need for the floods to stop? Those could be very interesting questions to answer. Thanks!
I hear that you will be participating as a video shooter for One Day on Earth this year! That is exciting feel free to message me if you have any questions about the project. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
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Thank you Mahmuhul for your comment on my wall. It seems like you are very knowledgable about climate change, flooding, and how those things impact Bangladesh. I think that is a great topic. I would love to see some footage of the impact of this issue near you. I know there had been bad floods earlier this year around July. It would make your video even better for you to speak on camera about what you see happening with this subject or even other friends colleagues and neighbors about what they think about these issues. It might be good to also think of this issue in terms of our theme which is "what you have and what you need" What you have might be floods but what do you need for the floods to stop? Those could be very interesting questions to answer. Thanks!
Hi Mahmudul!
I hear that you will be participating as a video shooter for One Day on Earth this year! That is exciting feel free to message me if you have any questions about the project. Can't wait to see what you come up with!