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Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Youth Club of Club of chittagong Sandwip
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Having completed my SSC in Science, HSC in Commerce and my graduation in Finance in IUB with Personal ability to evaluate and recommend alternatives and communicate recommendations effectively I want to build my career as any kind of work in a challenging field where I can explore my talent and develop my creativity and interpersonal community. Though No professional Experience I am confident I can work in any Management function Field with responsibility and challenge and under any condition.
What languages do you speak?
Bengali , English, Hindi
What did you film on 12.12.12?
YCCS (Youth Club of Chittagong Sandwip) is a social welfare organization, which is working for helpless people in Bangladesh, specially sandwip. This organization’s all of the members are Student of different College or Universities. YCCS’s moto “To Help the Helpless people”. This organization was founded 2008, 30th September by youth leader Md Jiaul Hoque Raju. At first this organization’s has 5 members but in this time there have 80-100 executive members & 200-500 general members. YCCS’s has two branches with one corporate head office. There corporate head office in Chittagong, Branches are Sandwip & Dhaka. They try open new branches are outside the country of USA, Uk, Canada, Australia, newzeland etc. There designation policy is very nice. They have Director, Co-ordinator, I.P.P, President, Vice-president , Secretary , Treasurer etc. They are already done a lot of social work as like as distributing warm cloths, distributing educational materials, Tree plantation & distributing tree, Cricket tournament, Youth tour, Youth day, Honour 21st February, Honour 16th December, Iftar party with orphan, Grand receptation of gpa 5 in SSC/HSC, Help cancer attracted person, Youth magazine opening, SSC/HSC result by YCCS members, Free Blood grouping, Quiz & Essay Competition, Rally against to drug & early marriage, Zakat & Fitra Fund, Youth Scholarship foundation, Youth Library, Youth caching centre, Free Eye test, distributing medicine, Youth club Foundation, Help any helpless/poor people etc. Totally YCCS is an non-political, Social, cultural, educational, human kindness organization.

“Long Live Youth Club
Long Live Sandwip
Long Live Bangladesh”

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