One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Karl Werner
  • Male
  • Leicester, NC
  • United States
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Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Fractal Lights ... & ... KWA Web Page Designs
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Panoramic Photography & AVCHD Videography
What languages do you speak?
What did you film on 12.12.12?
A panoramic View of Our Leicester Mountains and Valley.
Actualities for the Spirit ?? …What’s this?

…Well, first let’s clarify "reality". You will be learning that reality mainly exists because of agreement. If there is little agreement about something, there is little reality …for each of us! Early in your game of life, you learned the rules and saw that there was a lot of agreement about what things are and how things work. You formed your concepts about what’s real as you began to ‘agree’ with these considerations. Many of the realities you accept are so because you "see" them or feel them or experience them. If you have an experience that no one else agrees with, you might take it on as your personal reality. Often you don’t realize that these "realities" only exist because of these perceptions in your physical universe. ...
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At 12:44pm on November 30, 2012, marissa andaloro said…

I like your philosophy! Hope that you will be filming a piece with our documentary efforts on 12.12.12.! We are getting excited and we have a theme, "What do you have?" and "What do you need?". Please reach-out with any concerns.

At 8:31pm on November 10, 2011, Valentina said…

hi Karl, hope you will be filming again for tomorrow!!

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