May the GRACE of the LORD JESUS CHRIST BE UPON YOU as you consider this event;
My Ex-Wife's Mantra is to KNOW GOD and MAKE HIM KNOWN. I don't know how to compete with that. But, I was invited by CERN so I pass the floor to you to a degree. I know or I believe I know that GOD will Lead You and Bless You with HIS Will. So, I Pray as I started this note, and I have FAITH that HIS HOLY SPIRIT will guide you and your thoughts and actions. Good Morning to Wed. November 12, 2012. May GOD Bless You and Yours.
William "Luke" Stewart
ohh!!! And GOD Bless DayBreak Church and our Christian Brothers and Sisters All.
In CHRIST JESUS's Name, Amen!
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May the GRACE of the LORD JESUS CHRIST BE UPON YOU as you consider this event;
My Ex-Wife's Mantra is to KNOW GOD and MAKE HIM KNOWN. I don't know how to compete with that. But, I was invited by CERN so I pass the floor to you to a degree. I know or I believe I know that GOD will Lead You and Bless You with HIS Will. So, I Pray as I started this note, and I have FAITH that HIS HOLY SPIRIT will guide you and your thoughts and actions. Good Morning to Wed. November 12, 2012. May GOD Bless You and Yours.
William "Luke" Stewart
ohh!!! And GOD Bless DayBreak Church and our Christian Brothers and Sisters All.
In CHRIST JESUS's Name, Amen!