Hi JOHN! Thank you for your contribution in 10.10.10 and 11.11.11! The shadows in the time lapse are so cool, they look like creatures approaching your house, lol... awesome! Hope you are getting excited to document again with us this year on 12.12.12.! We have an inspiring theme if you would like to follow it! The theme is "What do you have and What do you need". Please reach-out with any concerns! Thank You
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Thank you for your contribution in 10.10.10 and 11.11.11! The shadows in the time lapse are so cool, they look like creatures approaching your house, lol... awesome! Hope you are getting excited to document again with us this year on 12.12.12.! We have an inspiring theme if you would like to follow it! The theme is "What do you have and What do you need". Please reach-out with any concerns!
Thank You