One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Joao de Oliveira
  • Male
  • Amsterdam Netherlands
  • Portugal
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  • christiane specht

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Profile Information

Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Sociology - Focus Communication
What languages do you speak?
Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish, German & French
What did you film on 12.12.12?

The same script in a coffeeshop in Amsterdam around 6 surveillance cams, more musicians, time-tabled by the cams.

Broacasting the Spirit

Joao de Oliveira

Broadcasting the Spirit

Posted on September 20, 2010 at 5:30pm 0 Comments

I wanna tell ya about something important for me. Something I can feel it coming, closer and closer, stronger and stronger and you might be feeling too. Something connected to the only permanent thing I know

about life: Change.

The other day, as I was coming from holidays, I stopped in a petrol

station in Belgium, some 80 km from the mighty commission in

Brussels.There I went to the toilette and found that dark…


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At 9:25am on December 2, 2012, ghinwa abou zein said…

Hi Joao! Greetings from NYC. We are gearing up for the next big day on 12.12.12. Do you know what you would like to contribute this year? We would love for you to participate again!

At 5:09pm on September 21, 2010, christiane specht said…
Hello Joao. Posso falar um pouco de portugues tambem. Mas ingles é mais facil para me. entao: ingles!!

The text you´ve written is stunning. I like it very much. And yes: i like to be part of it. I thought about thousands of thing s to do on 10.10.10 but this is the best i can imagine.

If i wanna take part in it i would have to come to Amsterdam i think. This wouldn´t be a problem i think. I would love to perform the text with you and some others.

But let me make another suggestion: what if we´d film the text in different places, maybe different countries or towns. with different people? So in the end it would be collage of people from different places performing the same text. Because in the text you are talking about and to people from everywhere too.

Tell me what you think about it. If it´s s*** or you like the idea.

What i can do: I can film, direct, I can play guitar, speak, sing and perform and help.



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