Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
What languages do you speak?
What did you film on 12.12.12?
LOVE--- Earth, WATER, Air, Ethereal, Sky, Moon, Stars, Universe+...
All Sentient LIFE= We ALL are our brother's keeper. Yin/Yang.
To the Seventh Generation -"First do no Harm".
To Thine own SOULSelf be TRUE.
Pay ATTENTION! Observe, Perceive, Evaluate, Reflect,
Be Still, DO Something! Let it go...
ACT in the NOW with Grace, Harmony, Compassion, Charity, Wisdom, Joy, Honor, Humility, Freedom, Courage, ...
Hold without expectation, offer a hand to one in need, accept help without self shame, DANCE, SING, Laugh..
KNOW YOU are Worthy.
I am The Mirror, what do I SEE in you & ME.
AND again Dance, Sing... BREATHE! Nameste.
Peace to ALL. DonnaGwhoIsGaiaBuddhaBlue :)
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