One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Chuck Wheeler
  • Hangzhou
  • China, mainland
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Chuck Wheeler's Page

Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Writing; Art; History
What languages do you speak?
What did you film on 12.12.12?
I am going to have my students document their lives. We will combine their projects into class project, then group - all classes.

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 7:35pm on November 20, 2012, Sean Barth said…

I just checked out your video from 11.11.11 and really enjoyed seeing into your daily life. Hopefully you can join us again for our upcoming event on 12.12.12; is there anything you'd like to film that day?

At 3:38pm on December 9, 2011, Brandon Litman said…

Hey Chuck, Vimeo is blocked in China - lets do Dropbox.

At 8:31am on December 7, 2011, Xiaojie Gong said…

Hi Chuck, does your upload work fine now?

At 12:17am on December 7, 2011, Brandon Litman said…

opps: family = familiar :)

At 12:16am on December 7, 2011, Brandon Litman said…

Hi Chuck, are you family with dropbox? we can load 2GB at a time and transfer the files that way. We would have to number the files and then I can send you a spread sheet to fill in details so we can properly tag them all. thoughts?

We can also use a standard FTP as well.

At 2:35pm on November 14, 2011, Xiaojie Gong said…

That's totally great!!! Look forward to all of your work. If you come across any problems, feel free to contact me. Thanks.

At 9:42am on November 14, 2011, Xiaojie Gong said…


Hello, what do you film on 11.11.11? Any photos or videos? Now you can upload your work! If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, you can contact me. I will assist you. Look forward to your work!

At 12:02pm on October 28, 2011, Xiaojie Gong said…

你好,我现在工作于地球上的一天 (One Day on Earth)。非常高兴您参与我们的活动。相信您对我们的组织已有一定了解。 我们诚邀您加入今年11月11日的活动。上传与分享您所拍摄的视频。同时,我们希望您将我们今年的活动 介绍给你的朋友, 并邀约他们一起参与到这个全球项目中。

Hi I'm working here at One Day On Earth and found your profile. Hope you could join our 11/11/11 event. Look forward to your participation!

At 2:45pm on October 8, 2011, Brandon Litman said…

That is so cool about your students breaking up into groups! Is there a way to get more students involved in your school?



Brandon Litman

Co-founder / ONE DAY ON EARTH

My One Day on Earth Videos



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