One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

ADD Tree Project - Mr. Public Service "Kuya" Daniel Razon planting the first tree to start the event.

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Comment by Rovic Balunsay on October 11, 2011 at 1:55am

FYI Mr. Daniel Razon is tagged as Mr Public Service for he pioneered many public service in different parts of the philippines some of them are; FREE RIDES in bus, mrt, boats, jeep, tricycle (3 years and counting) FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION (2 years and counting), TRANSCIENT HOME (First in the Philippines who is completely free food lodging), FREE CLINIC, FREE LEGAL SERVICE, FREE Mobile school (2 bus with 8 tricycles going to places unreachable by bus), Mr Daniel Razon also an advocate of all "Just One Day" - that people to do good to others even just for one day.

He is also the CEO of UNTV37 ( a TV station in the Philippines. It was also tagged as Public Service Channel
Comment by One Day On Earth on October 10, 2011 at 11:21pm
nice work!


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