One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

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Comment by Rene Zepeda on November 10, 2011 at 9:26am

kia ora (love how that sounds like que hora or 'what's the hour/time in Spanish)'! you're up to bat, good luck! please post notes on your extended duration technique. . .

Comment by Tanya Ruka on October 29, 2011 at 9:29pm

film stills - west coast beaches - editing through months of footage for my post grad documentation

11.11.11 plans:

Im going to travel to Tauranga (3hrs South from where I live). My grandmothers family come from this area.
A cargo tanker has run aground & has been spilling oil into the ocean & washing up on the shoreline. There has been an organised clean up in progress, I thought it would be good to go down & document whats happening to the surrounding beaches on 11.11.11. Ive been developing a process using extended duration with my focus the land or whenua in Maori. Im thinking of making a small film work using this process.


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