One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Southside Refugee Community Garden,

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Comment by Connie Polk on November 8, 2010 at 6:56pm
We had no signs, so we made ours out of corn stalks and every available gardening tool!
Comment by Connie Polk on November 8, 2010 at 6:55pm
Louisville, KY boasted a total of 19 Global Work Parties (17 through "Act Now") with 150+ people in attendance. Sustainable Agriculture of Louisville and the Refugee Agriculture Partnership Program (RAPP) of the Kentucky Office for Refugees hosted this 10-10-10 event at the Southside Refugee Community Garden behind New Heights Baptist Church. Our 25+ member work party to tackle climate change involved cutting and clearing corn stalks and other woody plants from plots to enable farmers to sow winter cover crops. Producing food for the family within walking, bicycling or bus distance from home greatly diminishes the carbon footprint of farming, and if the soil is made more fertile, actually reverses matters and sequesters additional carbon into the soil and biomass. In addition, it combats malnutrition among vulnerable populations, such as peasant refugees trying to eke out a living in the U.S.. Refugees in this garden hail from Burma, Bhutan, Burundi, Congo and Somalia.


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