One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

One Day on Earth - Germany 12.12.12


One Day on Earth - Germany 12.12.12

Regional - Europe - Germany. A group for members participating in One Day on Earth from Germany.

Location: Germany
Members: 74
Latest Activity: Jan 23, 2013

One Day on Earth in Germany

Discussion Forum

Eure Themen 7 Replies

Hey wir sind schon 13! Was werden eure Themen sein?Liebe GrüßeJennyContinue

Started by Jenny. Last reply by Igor Sirjanow Dec 11, 2012.


Hallo berliner Filmemacher, habt Ihr schon Pläne für Aufzeichnungen? Wie "seht" Ihr die Stadt?---Dear Berlin filmmakers, already know what you're going to capture or how to "view" the city?Continue

Tags: Berlin

Started by Sarah-Tabea Sammel Dec 6, 2012.


Take a moment on 11.11.11 to help make our next Soundscapes film a global collaboration! Visit our group page at…Continue

Started by T.K. Broderick Nov 9, 2011.


Wakepark in Thulba ..Wakeboarding im Sommer diesen Jahres gewesen.

Started by ShangFu Oct 9, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of One Day on Earth - Germany 12.12.12 to add comments!

Comment by Marcel HD DeCruyenaere on September 24, 2010 at 3:30pm
Hello and Gruss Gott to everyone! My German language skills are still in the beginning stages, but I am trying to learn! I LOVE Deutschland and the German people, and I appreciate whenever someone here can also post a short text in English at the end of their German comments.

I will be in Munich on 10-10-2010 and am planning to shoot some HD video for this exciting OneDayOnEarth project. I am a pro filmmaker and photographer who has lived in California for most of my life and I am originally from the provence of Saskatchewan in the prairies of Western Canada. However, I love traveling in Europe and have been over here 10 times now on extended trips for photo work and other fun adventures! Lately I have been working on some small film projects in France, Italy, and Munich Germany, where I am now, while spending time with my fiancé who lives here. I will still be in München for 10.10.10 and am excited about filming the Munich Marathon and other happenings around this beautiful city on this very special day! I bought a new Canon 5D camera last month (from Dinkel Photo in Munich) and I love shooting with it so far! I will use this camera to make my video and photos for 10.10.10. Also, I normally finish the Los Angeles Marathon every single year, but I could not do that this year in 2010 because I was over here in Germany! So, that is why I will focus on the Munich Marathon for my participation and filming for One Day on Earth, 10.10.10.

I see that a really great 4 minute video called "Berlin, Germany from Viet Tran on Vimeo" has been posted below on this comment wall. I will also attempt to post a few photos or a short video that I have already "Made in Germany." Somehow I will choose a few select fotos from the thousands I now have stored on my Mac and extra hard drives! Old and new Germany is a fantastic country to get to know and I am truly fascinated by its people, culture, history, and environment. I never get bored here for making new photographs! And I am very excited to be here with all of you for this cool worldwide film event!

Sorry that I can't write all of this in German yet, but I appreciate you reading all my English words! Danke! Marcel HD
Comment by m.a.r.k.u.s. on September 24, 2010 at 12:14pm
hallo, wie muss man denn eigentlich beweisen, dass man am 10.10.2010 gedreht hat? wie lange hat man zeit für den schnitt/upload?
ich möchte vielleicht einen marathonlauf in essen filmen - falls ich einen guten typen finde....
Comment by christiane specht on September 15, 2010 at 11:44am
Hallo, Gruppe! Ich such noch Mitstreiter für den 10.10.10. Ich hab noch kein Thema, bin aber definitiv dabei. Für freies Ideenfinden, unbegrenzte Gedankensprünge und gute Geschichten bin ich gern zu haben. Ich würde gerne gemeinsam eine Idee aufbauen, suchen, filmreif machen und dann verwirklichen. ich bin auch gern bei schon stehenden Projekten dabei, wenn sie mich begeistern und noch jemand Hilfe braucht.

Was haltet ihr davon ein Thema über ganz Deutschland hinweg zu filmen?! etwas universelles.

Schnelle Ideen dazu:
1. Der Beginn eines Tages (Sonnenaufgang) in Zeitraffer
2. Menschen in der Natur
3. Ein Tag in Deutschland (Ablauf eines "normalen" Tages dargestellt durch viele unterschiedliche Protagonisten, die immer nur eine Tätigkeit machen.)

Ich bin neugierig. meldet euch einfach.

Comment by Jenny on September 14, 2010 at 6:00pm
am 10.10.10 wird meine aller bester Freund: mein Hund 6 - das ist definitiv Filmreif!
Comment by Andreas Friedl on August 19, 2010 at 7:09pm
Kranichrast an der Ostsee ... da werde ich auch am 10.10.10 sein
Comment by spoxx on August 19, 2010 at 11:38am
Gina, thanks for inviting me to this group.
Greetings to the other members!
I think it is a good idea to get in touch with other people participating from Germany. This is an awsome project, however, in the moment, I am not so active myself; only following, and enjoying when I browse trough profiles to see what happens. I have no plans (yet?) to actively shoot & upload on 10/10/10 - but that may change.
Have a nice day!
Comment by Wangwe Ibrahim Inertia on August 19, 2010 at 10:41am
Hello please let me know more about one day on earth. Because am doing my double masters program but would like to diversify my horizons.Would be glad if i found some assignments.
With kindest regards.
Comment by Ralph Audörsch on August 19, 2010 at 9:10am
Naturpark Nordschwarzwald:
Comment by Ralph Audörsch on August 19, 2010 at 9:09am
Naturpark Nordschwarzwald:
Comment by Gina Nemirofsky on August 19, 2010 at 9:01am
Please feel free to communicate in your native tongue on this site. This is a place for ODOE community members in Germany to communicate and collaborate with each other.

Members (73)



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