One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Hello, Rene Zepeda here, yesterday i proposed the filming project to our Leaders and Counselors in Training (LCIT), Youth Group.  This group is comprised of Sudanese, Tanzanian and soon Nepali speaking Newcomer Youth.  We have begun brainstorming and here are some ideas:

  • Interview Parents and ask what they dream about and what kind of expectations did they have before being resettled here.  What kind of expectations do they have now for their future, their children?
  • "Don't be calling me no Refugee!"- Many Youth do not like this term; perhaps it needs to be defined and/or deconstructed from a Youth perspective.
  • Racism they have experienced.
  • Film at a a Burundi Parent's group on 11.11.11, (including the cooking of a meal, class discussion etc.)
  • Film Salt Lake City during Sunrise/Sunset.

Any Comments and/or suggestions, words of encouragement are welcome!

"Rene Zamora Zepeda" on Skype and, work email (the Refugee and Immigrant Center at Asian Association of Utah )

Views: 119

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rene, This is so inspiring that you are taking part in One Day on Earth. I really like your ideas especially because they depict both their new environment and the distinct problems they are facing as resettled refugee youth in America. It would be important to show the refugee in his/her new environment and speaking about the racism but also expectations. My best, Melissa Fleming from UNHCR
Thanks for the response! Youth are being encouraged to be Correspondents and ask their Parents about their dreams are for the future, expectations, etc. It will be an interesting mix; to say the least.



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