One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

from pacing the panic room:

As 10.10.10. gets a little closer, the creators of the One Day o Earth project have been able to reveal some of the ambitious steps they have been taking behind the scenes to get the most extensive coverage so this project truly has a global perspective. They have reached out and met with the United Nations, and teamed up with sponsors, to ship out cameras to aid workers and volunteers from around the world to film what they are seeing, what they are immersed in, the joys, the strife, all of it. They have united over 5,000 participants so far to take part in this massive undertaking, to find out who we are. Goosebumps again, just thinking about the end result. 

I have been lucky enough to stay in contact with creators of this film project along the way, and this past weekend they asked me for a little help to ensure that they get one important event that is vital to them in telling the story of the human condition. 

A child being born. The birth story. 

So this is where I make an attempt to get things organized to make sure that happens. Let me lay it out and see what we can do here for them. 

What I am attempting to do is organize a One Day On Earth group for filmmakers interested in capturing the miracle of birth on 10.10.10 all in one place. Now when I say "filmmaker" don't get intimidated. You don't have to have a ton of gear and a giant resume to participate, you just need to have the desire to tell this story, the want to capture the emotions of the first seconds of bonds forming, but you do need to own a camera of some kind. All you need to do is...

GO HERE and sign up as a filmmaker for One Day On Earth

the next step after you have become a participant, is to JOIN THIS BIRTH GROUP

Once we have a group that has identified themselves as being interested in this task, I will be doing my best to pair interested parties with filmmakers. That is the second step.

First- I find the filmmakers. 

Second- I find the 10.10.10. expectant mothers. 

Sounds easy enough... right?! 

I need to find as many expectant mothers with the due date of 10.10.10. or any time close to that date, that would be interested in having their birth captured for this film project. The challenge here is tremendous, the timing of it all is never a guarantee, plus the decision to share something so very intimate with the world is not something to take lightly. These are some of the most raw and gorgeous seconds of life to witness, and it would be hard to tell the human story without this element. 

So if you know of anyone with this due date, if you have this due date, if you are a member to a birth community like The Bump, know midwives, doulas, OB-GYNs, if you are a Midwife, a Doula, an OB-GYN, and can reach out to expectant mothers with this due date (or close), please reach out to me. I need to find these Mama-to-bes. Where are they? Where are you? It does not matter what part of the world you are reading this from. If you are interested, we will find someone to film this event. 

If you know of any expectant mothers with the due date of 10.10.10. or anytime close to that date, please email me HERE! If you know of anyone just pass this post along, or reach out to them and get them in touch with me. 

Let me be clear, this is not United States specific, ANY part of the world you might be reading this from.

This is the start. This is the gear up to 10.10.10. I had no idea what I would personally decide to capture on 10.10.10. for the One Day on Earth film. Now I am fixed on this one mission. Even if I do not find someone close to me to film, I want to help this production realize this essential part of the human story. 

Spread the word, ask around, GET SIGNED UP

And for anyone who reads this, that is not up for the task of child birth, but you have a clear vision of what you would want to share, get over to One Day On Earth and please stop being a big baby chicken that thinks you don't have anything important to say, and sign up. Participate in this project. Go watch that trailer again, and think about what you would want to include in this story. Its a brutal gorgeous terrible world, filled with so much joy and love and fear, all smacking around in a whirling swirl trying to find balance. When all of these stories stop spinning, what will we know about ourselves, about others, broaden the world view, and participate in this film project. 

Thank you in advance for any help in achieving this goal. 

All the Love in the Universe~ Me

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Replies to This Discussion

Hey everyone that has just started joining up today. Nice to see you here at One Day On Earth. This is exciting stuff right? I can't imagine the work and effort these guys have been putting into this to get things ready, so I want to make this one thing they can rest easy about. I already have a good response coming in from expectant moms interested and so as things develop this will be the place to come for info and updates and to stay organized, so get it locked into your bookmarks :)

More soon. Spread the word, and thank you so much for signing up!

I'm expecting round about then - natural delivery so you never can be sure...
Hi Rebecca, keep us posted as things get closer :)

Rebecca Mann said:
I'm expecting round about then - natural delivery so you never can be sure...
I am scheduled to deliver my fourth child (1st son) via csection on 10/10/10. I live in California. Would love to participate.
I am planning a water birth at home. I am due for the 8th of October but who knows!



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