One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell


Cycle For Water

Cause - Health. Two Dutch friends trying to bring attention to, and local solutions for, the global water crisis by cycling 30.000 km down the Americas on bamboo bicycles

Location: Alaska, Canada, Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile
Members: 9
Latest Activity: Nov 9, 2011

10.10.10 Video.

About Cycle for Water:

Cycle for Water Promo from Michiel & Joost on Vimeo.

On July 4, 2010, we, Joost Notenboom & Michiel Roodenburg, have begun an 18 month bicycle journey from Deadhorse in northern Alaska to the most southern tip of Argentina at Ushuaia. The mission is to take one bottle of icy Alaskan water from the Beaufort Sea down to the seas around Tierra del Fuego in a symbolic effort to complete the natural water cycle and raise awareness for the global water crisis that is leaving over 1 billion people around the world without access to safe and clean drinking water.

This incredible adventure is taking us through sixteen countries and across more than 30.000 km of paved and unpaved roads, mountain passes, and dirt tracks. The start of the trip has been above the Arctic Circle and other regions along the way will include the Alaskan and Canadian wilderness, the forests of the Pacific Northwest, the desert areas of Baja, the rainforests of Central and South America, the Andes highlands of Peru and Bolivia, and the steppes of Patagonia.

To make this an ever greater challenge, Cycle for Water is the first ever attempt to do all this by cycling the entire route on bamboo bicycles. Not only is this counting towards our efforts to minimize our own footprint, but this will simultaneously demonstrate that a lot of challenges can be overcome using sustainable solutions.

When you upload your video please be sure to tag it "Cycle For Water."

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Comment by Katy Gates on June 15, 2011 at 3:54pm
Hello all! Here at One Day on Earth, we're gearing up for 11/11/11 and we want you to join! Anyone thinking of something new for November?

Members (9)



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