The World's Story is Yours to Tell
Time: October 9, 2010 from 10am to 5:30pm
Location: Mary Ward House
Street: 5-7 Tavistock Place
City/Town: London
Website or Map:…
Event Type: conference
Organized By: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Latest Activity: Oct 2, 2010
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Join international speakers to discuss the following issues:
* Scrapping Trident: time for global nuclear disarmament
* No to NATO: no war, no nukes
* Missile Defence: say no to a new system
* Opposing nuclear power expansion
* The way forward for the movement
This year's international conference looks at the prospects for nuclear disarmament and peace at home and abroad. Can the modest progress at the recent nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference be converted into action towards a safer nuclear free world or will negative developments from NATO and on missile defence and nuclear power throw us backwards towards proliferation and war? Join the discussion and help plan the way forward!
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