The World's Story is Yours to Tell
Time: November 11, 2011 at 7pm to November 12, 2011 at 4am
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Website or Map:…
Event Type: gallery, /, party
Organized By: Sarah Gilligan
Latest Activity: Nov 8, 2011
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I would like to invite all of you, or your art - preferably both! - to my apartment on Friday, November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) for a gallery opening.
I am writing you not to just invite you to my opening, but to participate in it. My goal is to make this gallery a collection of all my friends' work - whether it's a drawing, painting, print, book, photograph, poem, song, story, rock collection, whatever. I think it would be amazing to see it all in one place.
So send me your work, or simply give it to me the next time I see you (or by November 4, 2011 - whatever comes first)!
For those of you non-New Yorkers, please don't feel deterred by the distance! I've included my address at the bottom of this email - please use it. I will make sure your work is displayed beautifully. And hey, maybe someone would even want to purchase it, in which case I can offer you 20% of the profit - just kidding. I'm running a non-profit operation here.
For all you musicians, we'll need some live entertainment. Let me know if you're up to performing for us. Or, you can send me an mp3 of your work and I'll be happy to curate a playlist.
**Please spread the word! Any and all submissions are welcome. And everyone is invited to the opening!**
The opening itself will be full of free wine, beer, fruit, cheese, Quisenbury Pie, and amazing art and company.
a million thanks,
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