One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Stephanie Stone Perry
  • Kerrville, TX
  • United States
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Profile Information

Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Riverside Nature Center
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
What languages do you speak?
English y Espanol
What did you film on 12.12.12?


Kerrville, Texas.

Riverside Nature Center's Young Naturalist Club.

My parents' 11th anniversary celebration on 11-11-11. A tour of a historic remodel project my parents are undertaking in Kerrville, located on the same property as two other historic remodels they have done. The three historic buildings at Depot Square include Kerrville's original train depot, now operating as Rails Restarurant , a historic lumberyard named the Old House of Beitel (Rails Catering) where the 11th anniversary 11-11-11 celebration will be held and the new project, a building moved to the site in cooperation with the City of Kerrville, that has historic value in our town as a grocery store as well as the private bowling alley/recreation center of the children of one of Kerrville's early settlers, the Schreiners.

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At 7:57am on December 9, 2011, Gustavo Favaro said…

gracias !!

At 11:25am on October 25, 2011, Francis Levy said…

Thanks Stephanie! This contest has been done for over 50 years to celebrate my family's radio station anniversary. I was thrilled to do a documentary on that for 10.10.10! Some of my footage was selected for the One Day On Earth documentary, so I'm honoured!

This year I plan to do a series of time lapses to show life in Colima, Western Mexico.

Kind regards,



At 9:10pm on October 24, 2011, Brandon Litman said…

Hi Stephanie,


Thanks for getting so engaged in the project - your photos are great. The butterfly on the nose is so pretty (they are though!)

Thanks again,


Co-founder - ONE DAY ON EARTH

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