Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Liberian United Youth for Community Safety and Development
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Social Studies on peace building and health related programs Youth conflict resolutionLUYCD was founded in the Ganta City Nimba county Liberia in the year 2006 and register in 2007 with the ministry of foreign affair in Liberia. National office located in Ganta city Harley Street Yini field road. She was founded by the Liberian youth such are Nurses, doctor, community’s leaders, people with disability (disable), and civil educated and innovative community’s members. The founding of LUYCD came about after the consultation survey conducted on the increase of poverty, different kind of diseases, lack of awareness, lack of capacity building program to the rural war affected families and youths, hygiene promotion and toilet for community inhabitants and human right abuse to women, Jimenez and youths. The goals of LUYCD, uniting Liberian in providing sustainable services to women, Children, and youth and people with chronic diseases and disability. The objective is following awareness education. B. emergency aid. C. group and individual counseling d. empowering women youth and people with disability and chronic diseases. The structure of the organization is within the competent selecting criteria annually especially the board for transparency and accountability only the chief executive who is the secretary to the board is permanent and the board chairman. The board is comprises of seven (7) competent Liberian gender balance and the staffs 6 competent Liberian who are eligible according to the rules and guideline of the policy of the organization and etc. The following activities LUYCD had provided which aim is to provide sustainable services to the community’s inhabitants especially the war affected families, rural women and youth in capacity building are under the objectives, a. Awareness Education she provided awareness/sensitization in towns and villages on Community safety and hygiene promotion (care for children).She develop flyers and billboard with specific information on prevention of STDs, HIV/AIDS, Malarial, Use of safe medicine, and other diseases affecting people in the region. B. Emergency Aid Provided First-Aid services to patients who live longer distances from the clinic or hospital, (Ambulance), help to rebuild the home of war affected families. (Provided shatters) c. Group and Individual Counseling Provided counseling for women who are victimized by the civil war and human right abuse in sexual
luycdcharacters, a-z & 0-9, no blanks
gender base violence (SGBV), Provided Training-of-Trainer (TOT) workshop and empower peer educators to counsel and teach youth , women on HIV/Aids, and other diseases prevention and life skills decision making d. Empowerments to Disable Youth, and War Affected families LUYCD had Trained disables youth and rural women in capacity building and business management and empowers them with small business to help sustain them, distributed Walking sticks/wheel chair among disable youth and adult. Intensive vocational training (9) months 2007-2010, peace building in land dispute among minority and majority ethnic groups,(2) months 2006 and community safety program, hygiene promotion, care for children duration (6) months. democratic transition campaign fight against election violence 2011 duration 6 months and campaign against the sale of counterfeit medical products duration (6) months 2012 mini project and e c t . The following activities were carrying out in Nimba County successfully the beneficiaries are the youth, women, men, and all the community inhabitants and was in brace by the beneficiaries for continuation and the achieved it objective from the program, which LUYCD had experience from these activities to carry out in the 14 counties of Liberia.
Hi Fred, how was your 12.12.12? What did you end up filming? You can upload your footage here I look forward to seeing your video! Take care, Ashley
Thanks for joining our global community! I look forward to seeing what you film tomorrow. Will you be filming in Liberia or Guinea-Bissau? (I saw that you confirmed to the Guinea Bissau event on Facebook). We have very few participants in Guinea-Bissau so if you could invite your family and friends to participate, that'd be great! Here is the link:
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions. Happy shooting tomorrow!
Hi Fred! This is Nusrat from One Day on Earth. Will you be participating on 11.11.11? Perhaps something related to your organization's work with Liberian youth? We only have a few participants from Liberia so we would love to have your collaboration on this. Looking forward to seeing/hearing about your ideas! Best of luck.
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Hi Fred, how was your 12.12.12? What did you end up filming? You can upload your footage here I look forward to seeing your video!
Take care,
Hi Fred!
Thanks for joining our global community! I look forward to seeing what you film tomorrow. Will you be filming in Liberia or Guinea-Bissau? (I saw that you confirmed to the Guinea Bissau event on Facebook). We have very few participants in Guinea-Bissau so if you could invite your family and friends to participate, that'd be great! Here is the link:
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions. Happy shooting tomorrow!
Hi Fred! This is Nusrat from One Day on Earth. Will you be participating on 11.11.11? Perhaps something related to your organization's work with Liberian youth? We only have a few participants from Liberia so we would love to have your collaboration on this. Looking forward to seeing/hearing about your ideas! Best of luck.