One Day on Earth

The World's Story is Yours to Tell

Adebayo Olukayode
  • Abeokuta
  • Nigeria
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  • Anna C. Butler

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Name of Organization, Institution, Company, or School:
Fedral University Of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
Focus of Study/axe de l'étude/foco de estudio
Animal Breeding and Genetics
What languages do you speak?
English, Yoruba.
What did you film on 12.12.12?
My immediate environment.

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At 8:26pm on November 10, 2011, bizkit1985 said…

i thought to focusing on 90 yrs between Lao and Japanese also.i wanna make a documentary about life after 60 yrs old between un/develop countries.
but its too difficult so much,my english is so suck and i couldnt speak japaneses at all.
you couldn't film without asking them in Japan because people here they dont like anyone filming them.
thats i stop doing.
old people in Japan they are so lonely and good healthier more than Laos.
i love staying with old people,helping them and talk with them.
i think old japanese people are like another develop countries which nobody taking care of them at house during their children go to work. they have to stay at the hospital. but in laos we dont have, old people will stay with their children at house. in Laos we stay together with a big family. even some of them got a married but they still stay with parents.

At 7:35pm on November 10, 2011, Anna C. Butler said…

Hello Adebayo,

I hope you are good. I am filming "aging in the western world" today 11/11/11 in New York. I am focusing on 90 yr old woman here and would like to have other regions around the world represent their stories about aging. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to film an elderly person to get their story of what it's like growing 'old' in a region in Nigeria?? Please, please message me. Thank you!!!

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